K.J.: En biografi över Klara Johanson - Google böcker, resultat
Karin Stolpe - Svenskt översättarlexikon - Litteraturbanken
2019 (Engelska) Ingår i: Women in their element: selected women's contributions to the periodic system / [ed] Annette Lykknes and Brigitte Van Tiggelen, Singapore: World Scientific, 2019, s. 134-144 Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt) Roedd Astrid Cleve (22 Ionawr 1875 – 8 Ebrill 1968) yn fotanegydd nodedig a aned yn Sweden. Y sefydliad trydyddol lle y derbyniodd ei haddysg oedd: Prifysgol Uppsala. Un o'r sefydliadau a'i chyflogodd fel botanegydd oedd Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Cleve-Euler, Astrid, 1875-1968 Cleve-Euler, Astrid, 1875-Astrid Cleve Cleve Von Euler, Astrid Maria Cleve-Euler, Astrid Cleve-Euler, Astrid (Astrid Maria), Swedish phycologist, 1875-1968 View the profiles of people named Cleve Astrid. Join Facebook to connect with Cleve Astrid and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to 25 Apr 2012 Hans von Euler-Chelpin (1873–1964) and Astrid Cleve (1875–1968) are two colorful personalities in the modern history of Swedish science Astrid Cleve utbildade sig till botanist och blev fil.
She was the eldest daughter of the chemist, oceanographer, geologist and professor Per Teodor Cleve and Caralma (Alma) Öhbom. Euler-Chelpin married Astrid Cleve, the daughter of the Uppsalachemist Per Teodor Cleveand was the great-great-great grandson of Leonhard Euler. Flag as Inappropriate Astrid Maria Cleve [1], under en period von Euler, född 22 januari 1875 i Uppsala [2], död 8 april 1968 i Uppsala [1], var en svensk kemist, geolog och botaniker. Hon var den första kvinnan i Sverige att doktorera i naturvetenskap. Hon fick professors namn 1955.
Frånskild kvinna (28/2 1912). Anm: Tidigare gift von Euler.
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His mother Astrid Cleve, daughter of notable chemist P T Cleve was a scientist in her own right, a PhD. botanist known for her studies in Fossils Cleve-Euler, Astrid (1875-1968 ; Swedish phycologist) schema: deathDate xsd:gYear 1968 2021-1-13 · Astrid Cleve; Agnes Cleve-Jonand; Célie Brunius; Spouse: Alma Cleve (1874–1905) Award received: Davy Medal (1894) Authority control 2021-3-19 · Cleve, van Cleve and Van Cleve are surnames. Notable people with the surname include: Astrid Cleve (1875–1968), Swedish biologist, geologist, chemist and researcher, first woman in Sweden to obtain a doctorate in science; Bastian Clevé (born 1950), German film director; Benjamin Van Cleve (1773–1821), a pioneer settler of Dayton, Ohio; Cecilia Cleve (died 1819), Swedish librarian 2018-9-30 · 59 of '(Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark.
Astrid Maria Cleve 1875 - 1968 - Genealogy - Geni
Genast ska påpekas att den skogsindustriella Astrid Cleve växte upp som äldst av tre systrar.
Astrid Maria von Euler-Chelpin (born Cleve) was born on month day 1875, at birth place, to Per Teodor Cleve and Alma Caralma Cleve (born Öhbom).
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She became a scientist and joined her husband in his research. They were married in 1902 and had five children.
Astrid Maria Cleve von Euler Mini-biografi: Var datter af kemikeren Per Teodor Cleve, hjalp sin far med studiet af kiselalger, blev
Astrid M. Cleve von Euler was a Swedish botanist, geologist, chemist and researcher at Uppsala University.
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Astrid Cleve was a botanist who was also one the earliest women in Sweden to be awarded a doctorate. Astrid Cleve Astrid Cleve föddes i Uppsala den 22 januari 1875 som dotter till Per Teodor Cleve och hans hustru Alma Öbom. Hon fick sin utbildning i Married for science, divorced for love: Success and failure in the collaboration between Astrid Cleve and Hans von Euler-Chelpin, 1902–1912 This dissertation is a scientific biography of Astrid Cleve von Euler. She was Sweden's first female Ph.D. graduate in the natural sciences (1898) and pursued a Google sets cookies that may record personal data to facilitate these services.