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solid 3 1/4" engineered 3 5/16", 5", 6 1/2" lock 4 5/16" We carry large selection of Mirage Admiration 3/4" Maple Nordic Exclusive Smooth Matte 3 5/16" Width Jul 29, 2019 - Maple Umbria Exclusive Smooth - Hardwood floor available in Classic, Engineered, TruBalance, Lock Maple Savanna Exclusive Smooth. No reviews. Leave a review. Call for Pricing Smooth, red and papery: The paperbark maple has been relatively uncommon until quite recently, but is gaining momentum as more people become familiar with this Chinese import.

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Regular price $0.00 — Sold Out. Mirage Admiration Collection Maple Cape Cod Exclusive Smooth. Regular price $0.00 — Sold Out. Soft Maple is used to describe four other types of maple trees: Silver maple (Acer saccharinum), Red maple (Acer rebrum), Boxelder (Acer negundo) and Bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum). This kind of maple, as the name suggest, is not as hard or as strong, so it is not used for flooring, but is ideal for wood-worked décor items, furniture veneers, crates and pallets. Oct 1, 2020 - Maple Nordic Exclusive Smooth - Hardwood floor available in Classic, Engineered, Lock Mirage prefinished hardwood floors, designed and manufactured by Boa-Franc in North America, are synonymous with superior quality, beauty, durability, guaranteed product consistency, added value, and lifelong good looks. Mirage hardwood flooring ABS edging Nordic Maple smooth. 045.1861. ABS edging Nordic Maple smooth.

2017-08-31 2021-04-11 Sugar Maple Tree (Acer saccharum) - 3 Gallon Pot Very easy to grow and long-lived, and one of the trees which is most responsible for giving New England its reputation for spectacular fall color, Acer saccharum, commonly known as the Sugar Maple, is a North American native tree that typically grows in a broad, oval shape from 50 to 80 feet tall and 30 or more feet wide, making it a fine Maple Nordic Exclusive Smooth - Hardwood floor available in Classic, Engineered, TruBalance, Lock Maple Nordic Exclusive Smooth. Maple Nordic Exclusive Smooth. The Admiration Collection, trendy colors for a unique ambiance.


Taste: Smooth and light mouthfeel. Black Maple Hill (1) pineapple & peach to a smooth body with a light bitterness and a dry finish. Maple bourbon and Marsala wine barrel aged stout and barley wine style ale blend.

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Maple Nordic Exclusive Smooth. The Admiration Collection, trendy colors for a unique ambiance. Rich wood combined with the color of creativity. A décor that is sure to impress. We strive to produce the finest hardwood floors.

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