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Browse millions of popular shaman Wallpapers and Ringtones on Zedge and personalize  Olena Uutai. Музыка. 5/5. (1 Oтзыв)  Olena Uutai. Shows Performed: 0; Shows Attended: 0. So_Pink_Management. Tip the Artist.

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In her audition, she played the 'Jaw Harp' - an instrument resembling a pair of scissors that, when placed in the mouth, caused a 'springy' noise to resonate out - a sound she used to One of its refined artists goes by the name of Olena Podluzhnaya who uses the stage name UUTAi. With her set she was a guest at the Ancient Trance Festival 2017 in Taucha. Helen Hahmann from DAN MOI met her in person and, among other things, they had a chat … 20.02.2020. New album UUTAi “Meditation. Live. Part Two” is out now! Search “UUTAi” on your favorite platforms.

More videos. My name is Olena Podluzhnaya UUTAi.

UUTAi Olena biografi Last.fm

Ethnic musician & Singer, Jaw Harp virtuoso, Neo-Shamanic practice Olena Podluzhnaya Uutai is an expert performer on the xomus (or “khomus”), a traditional jaw harp. We’re introducing her to you as she’s performing at Ozora for the first time in her carrier this summer.

Olena uutai

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Olena uutai

Olena Podluzhnaya Uutai is an expert performer on the xomus (or “khomus”), a traditional jaw harp.

Olena uutai

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53,222 likes · 92 talking about this. Ethnic musician & Singer, Jaw Harp virtuoso, Neo-Shamanic practice Olena Podluzhnaya Uutai is an expert performer on the xomus (or “khomus”), a traditional jaw harp. We’re introducing her to you as she’s performing at Ozora for the first time in her carrier this summer.
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+. Titta på videon: UUTAi Olena - Blessing of Nature (Mars 2021).