Sonde - Svensk översättning - Linguee


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Information and translations of sonde in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … Eksplorer gigi (bahasa Jerman: Sonde) adalah alat untuk melokalisir deposit pada permukaan akar gigi dan karies gigi di daerah subgingival, serta memeriksa kehalusan permukaan akar gigi setelah penyerutan akar, cacat anatomis pada permukaan gigi, dan tepi restorasi.. Eksplorer dirancang dengan berbagai bentuk dan sudut sesuai dengan penggunaannya. Translation for: 'sonde' in English->Croatian dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. Sonde het ontstaan by Lucifer, heel moontlik die mooiste en kragtigste engel van al die engele. Hy was nie tevrede met sy posisie (taak of opdrag) nie en wou meer senior as God gewees het, hierdie het sy val teweeg gebring en was ook die begin van sonde (Jesaja 14:12-15). Looking for online definition of SONDE or what SONDE stands for?

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Used to locate buried plastic Water Pipes, Gas Pipes and any other non-magnetic utility, Sondes are self-contained transmitters that are used with our cable and pipe locators. Sondes are typically attached to a Flexrod, pushed along the pipe, and the position of the Sonde detected from above ground. Water Quality Multiparameter Sonde, Sensors, made for monitoring, long-term deployments, multiparameter data collection and transmission. YSI Sonde, Datasonde, Water quality sonde, sondes. Your voice is more powerful than you realize. With a short voice sample, Sonde’s symptom detection technology can tell if you are at risk for leading health conditions, including asthma, COPD, COVID-19, depression and anxiety. Respiratory Health.

Any of various instruments, such as a radiosonde, used for measuring or testing physical  Sonde is a music design and performance ensemble based in Montreal. From 1975 to about 1985, Sonde gave hundreds of performances in North America and  See section 7 for information specific to vented level sondes. Users communicate with the sonde via a field cable to an.

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Using the sonde to track the BHA's progress allows installation accuracy of one inch or less. Location. Sonde lies in Misindye Parish, Goma Sub-county, Mukono District, approximately 17 kilometres (11 mi), northeast of Kampala, Uganda's capital city.. Sonde is bordered by Nabusugwe to the north, Bukeerere to the east, Namanve to the south and Namugongo to the west.


Välj version:  Monica-Sonde. Vår adress.
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Users communicate with the sonde via a field cable to an. EXO Handheld, Bluetooth® wireless  Information on valuation, funding, cap tables, investors, and executives for Sonde . Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile.

‘Many other radiosonde designs exist; larger countries historically designed and built their own sondes, but some countries have abandoned their national sondes and started buying from Vaisala.’. sonde - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.
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Using the sonde to track the BHA's progress allows installation accuracy of one inch or less. Location. Sonde lies in Misindye Parish, Goma Sub-county, Mukono District, approximately 17 kilometres (11 mi), northeast of Kampala, Uganda's capital city..