1 Sep 2016 Potential for airborne contamination in turbulent- and unidirectional-airflow compounding aseptic isolators. American Journal of Health-System  I can't imagine a more turbulent time than the one we are currently living in. In this moment of uncertainty, we are confronted with financial, social, political,  Production Optimization in Oil & Gas How Flow Simulations Can Enable Real- time Monitoring and Operations Support. Register!

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The Identity scale, made up of the Assertive and Turbulent personality traits, affects all other scales and indicates how confident we are in our abilities and decisions. Identity triggers the way we react to the things life constantly throws at us. How do we respond to success and failure? Criticism or feedback from other people? See definition of turbulent on Dictionary.com adj.

The ratio of inertial to viscous forces is the  On Turbulent Flow Near a Wall. E. R. VAN DRIEST.

Assertive (A). Hence, under this schema, an INTP would be further delineated as either an INTP-T or INTP-A type. Turbulent will focus on the following priorities markets: Chile and surrounding countries Argentina, Colombia and Peru. Turbulent already entered this region and has a substantial network set up with ministries, industry, customers, and a local partnership with Engie to jointly develop hydropower projects.



The late 1960s are remembered as turbulent years of social revolution in America and Europe. Often the captain of an airplane will warn passengers to fasten their seatbelts because of upper-air turbulence, which can make for a bumpy ride. Turbulent definition, being in a state of agitation or tumult; disturbed: turbulent feelings or emotions. See more.


A time of war is a turbulent time for a country. If your family moves and your parents get divorced,  Turbulent generates electricity with a single turbine or multiple turbines, allowing the device to generate as much electricity as if it was on a dam. Turbulent is  This book highlights recent research advances in area of turbulent flows from both industry and academia for applications in area of Aerospace and Mechanical  The paper provides an overview of the challenges and progress associated with the task of numerically predicting particle-laden turbulent flows. The review. Turbulent is a tech craftery dedicated to helping inspired businesses unlock the potential of their audiences.
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1. Moving rapidly or violently: turbulent rapids. 2. Characterized by disorder, commotion, or unrest: a turbulent period in history.

If the flow were steady and laminar then uu= and vv= for all time t, where the over-bar denotes a time average. For turbulent turbulent translate: 情况/时间, 骚乱的,骚动的;动荡的,混乱的, 空气/水, (水流或气流)汹涌的,湍急的,猛烈的.
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Direct simulation of a turbulent boundary layer up toReθ. J. Fluid Mech.,  1 Jul 2011 This web page contains links to solutions to some of the exercises found in the book, Turbulent Flows. If you would like to contribute to this  Turbulent means chaotic, disordered, characterized by conflict.