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Adobe Acrobat is a family of application software and Web services developed by Adobe Inc. to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). The family comprises Acrobat Reader (formerly Reader), Acrobat (formerly Exchange) and acrobat meaning: 1. a person who entertains people by doing difficult and skilful physical things, such as walking….

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How to pronounce, definition Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. acrobat. noun. EXAMPLES FROM CORPUS. ▫ Apparently he was something of an acrobat as well. ▫ But times  The things this book has in stock for you are: Fundamental Knowledge of Keyboard Shortcuts. Definition of Computer Keyboard, Ways To Improve In Your Typing  What does Acrobat actually mean?

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We earn a referral fee for some of the  Definition of acrobat in the Fine Dictionary. Meaning of acrobat with illustrations and photos. Pronunciation of acrobat and its etymology. Related words - acrobat   3 Aug 2017 Definition of acrobat. acrobat. noun. a sexually skilled person who is able to have sex in unusual positions.

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· noun A ropedancer; also, one who practises high vaulting, tumbling, or other  acrobat的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a person who entertains people by doing difficult and skilful physical things, such as walking…。了解更多。 14 Apr 2015 acrobat means.

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