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1992 Sverige. Counterbalance truck Svetruck 1060 30 (diesel) (Re  Konteineri laadur SVETRUCK 1260-30. March 12, 2019, 9:55 am. 0. 0.

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Svetruck 1260-30

Gaffel med motvikt Svetruck begagnad - 2 annonser på gaffel

Svetruck 1260-30

Read More. Kalmar  Liftking LK 50 C 4x4. Read More. Svetruck 1260-30. Read More. Hyster H 14 XM-6. Read More.

Svetruck 1260-30

Get more in-depth insight with SVETRUCK 1260-30 specifications on LECTURA Specs. See detailed specifications and technical data for SVETRUCK 1260-30 manufactured in 1996 - 2003. Get more in-depth insight with SVETRUCK 1260-30 specifications on LECTURA Specs. See detailed specifications and technical data for SVETRUCK 1260-30 manufactured in 2003 - 2006.
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Svetruck 1260-30.

Type: Heavy Forklifts. Engine type: Diesel. Capacity: 12000 kg. YOM: 2011.
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Gaffel med motvikt Svetruck begagnad - 2 annonser på gaffel

År: 1988. Timmar: 31491h (kommer att gå sparsamt under auktionsperioden).