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Imagine if you could get all the icy flavour of a menthol cigarette, strip out the tobacco undertones and pour that pure menthol flavour right into the tank of your vape.All KiK menthol and mint e-liquids are made using 100% organic ingredients. The nicotine KiK uses is extracted directly from pure nicotine plants to provide a more intense and satisfying throat hit. Hangsens oerhört populära E-juice med smak av menthol och tobak finns nu också i en ny version med 50% VG och 50% PG. Perfekt till dig som är van vid att röka mentholcigaretter och vill inte gå miste om denna smak när du slutar röka. 50/50 varianten har en bra balans mellan mängderna av ånga, smak och throat hit och är bra till alla slags tankar. 88VAPE A GREAT RANGE OF FLAVOURS WITH GREAT TASTES THAT GO WITH GREAT VALUE Made in the UK - Fully TPD Compliant Price displayed is for 20 single Raspberry & Apple from Double Drip’s 50:50 series offers delicate, featherlight flavour in a versatile 50:50 blend which can be used in just about any e-cigarette setup. The inhale invites a wave of crisp orchard apple to unfold itself over the tongue, bathing the taste buds in serenely-green flavour so fresh you can almost hear the crunch. We have liquids with 75% VG, 50%VG, 80% VG, and other combinations.

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Every bottle of KiK e-liquid customers purchase has been formulated, tested and bottled by our own specialist team, allowing us to trace each bottle from start to finish of production. Nicotine free Cherry Sherbet Shortfill e-liquid by KiK - 50% VG, 50% PG. KiK Shortfills come in a 60ml bottle with 50ml of e-liquid so you can add your own desired amount of nicotine with our nicotine shots. KIK Menthol & Tobacco E-Liquid 50/50 Blend | * 6 FOR £12.49 * | KIK Vape Eliquid.

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We also have a myriad of exciting flavours that are quite popular among vapers, including Menthol Chill, Grape Freeze, Apple Crumble, Arctic Cherry, Red Cola, Raspberry Ripple, etc. Belladot Hot & Cool Stimulating Menthol Gel 50 ml.
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All KiK menthol and mint e-liquids are made using 100% organic ingredients. The nicotine KiK uses is extracted directly from pure nicotine plants to provide a more intense and satisfying throat hit. s7577 kik menthol 20mg 50/50 e-liquid 10ml (price per cdu 10) kik24menth10 please login s7578 kik menthol 16mg 50 KIK Menthol & Tobacco E-Liquid 50/50 Blend | * 6 FO New , Buy it now - KIK Menthol & Tobacco E-Liquid 50/50 Blend | * 6 FOR £12.49 * | KIK Vape Eliquid Add to Watch list Added to your Watch list KIK CLOUD 50ML IN 60ML SHORTFILL - CHERRY SHERBET. Product Code: E1686. Nicotine free Cherry Sherbet Shortfill e-liquid by KiK - 50% VG, 50% PG. KiK Shortfills come in a 60ml bottle with 50ml of e-liquid so you can add your own desired amount of nicotine with our nicotine shots. The nicotine KiK uses is extracted directly from pure nicotine plants to provide a more intense and satisfying throat hit. PG CONTENT.