Episk vinst för Volvo - Dagens opinion


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In this commercial for Volvo, JCVD performs the splits between two moving massive trucks. The premise of the 30-second spot was to demonstrate the stability and precision of Volvo Dynamic Steering, but Van Damme stole the show with his amazing agility. I stand here before you What you see the body crafted to perfection a pair of legs engineered to defy the laws of physics and the mindset to master the most epic of splits. To you, Pages Businesses Automotive, Aircraft & Boat Volvo Trucks Videos Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split ft.

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Men vi  2 feb. 2014 — NÖJE Det är inte bara Jean-Claude Van Damme och Volvo som kan göra en epic split. Nu har Kungsängens bibliotek gjort sin egen version  Etikett: Epic Split. april 23, 2014/ 0 kommentarer. Galen mamma utmanar van Damme. Kontakt. hej [@] susancasserfelt [.] se.

2013 — JCVD eller Jean-Claude Van Damme har varit med och gjort en video tillsammans med Volvo där de demonstrerar stabilitet och styrning på  Och Jean-Claude van Damme, den episke spliträven, blev 60 bast den 18 oktober.

Tekniken bakom Epic Split prisad - Trailer.se

Van Damme? With almost 100 Million views on Youtube, it's one of our most popular viral films to date. Jean Claude Van Damme looks like a guy who still works out and keeps a healthy lifestyle despite his age.

Epic split van damme

Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme Live Test with

Epic split van damme

Since then, Jean-Claude Van Damme has become a martial arts—and overall action—movie So the internet is raging about Van Damme's epic split done between 2 reversing Volvo trucks.. as well as Rob Ford's #VanFord parody of this mother of all splits. We at SAYS, however, found that this stunt was done by a Bollywood star many years ago Sometimes, the best parodies are the most subtle. Case in point: This truly impressive face dub of disgraced Toronto Mayor Rob Ford onto the body of Jean-Claude Van Damme in his "Epic Split" ad Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme carry out his famous split between two reversing trucks. Never done before, JCVD says it's the most epic of splits -- what do you "Epic Split" is a 75-second-long commercial released in late-2013 by Volvo Trucks. It features Jean-Claude Van Damme performing gymnastic splits between two moving trucks set to the music "Only Time" by Enya.

Epic split van damme

A previous video dubbed " The Ballerina Stunt " Movie tough guy Jean-Claude Van Damme's "epic split" between two moving Volvo trucks. Naturally, it's got folks asking questions. a) Whether it's real? b) How did they do that? Performing with the determination and skill that could only be mustered by an aging action star with a massive mortgage payment, the short film, entitled “The Epic Split,” opens with Van Damme Jean-Claude Van Damme Does "Most Epic of Splits" in Gravity-Defying Volvo Commercial—Watch Now! 53-year-old action star has still got it as he holds his own, literally, between two trucks By The Epic Split by Van Damme Since 2013, customers of a leading OEM of commercial vehicles have enjoyed a high level of comfort, control and stability through S + Blueprint Steering. S + Blueprint Steering works just as well for passenger cars and have an extensive interface suited for driver assistance systems and fully autonomous vehicles. Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat Van Damme Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme Carry Out His Famous Split Between Two Reversing Trucks This live test was set up to demonstrate the precision and directional stability of Volvo Dynamic Steering — a world first technology that makes the new Volvo FM easier to drive.
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Now I stand here  2014년 12월 15일 'Epic Split' 캠페인의 비하인드 스토리가 궁금합니다. 촬영 시 위험한 순간은 없었 나요? 가장 걱정스러웠던 부분은 'Jean-Claude Van Damme이 제  8 Oct 2014 DISHLatino Brings an Epic Mexican Spin to Van Damme's Epic Split. Creative 3.0 k Add to collection. Havas Worldwide & MARCA spoof Volvo  6 Jun 2014 I don't know the recipe of the 'Epic Split.'” Despite secret voting, there seemed an unspoken consensus on the film featuring Van Damme  Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme carry out his famous split between two reversing trucks.

2020 — Men det finns faktiskt någon som brädar både Van Dammes och Chuck Norris, se efter nedan. 1. Jean Claude Van Damme gör ”The Epic Split”  18 nov.
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The impressive stunt was months in the planning, a collaboration between agency Forsman Bodenfors and Folke Film. We take a look behind the scenes of the commercial. Watch Jean-Claude Van Damme Carry Out His Famous Split Between Two Reversing Trucks. By. DESI STORIES - Nov 14, 2013.