Systeminformationsrapporten skrevs: 11/08/19 01:24:51


Systeminformationsrapporten skrevs: 05/24/19 13:15:51

For instance, on a laptop with integrated GPU (i7-5600U/Intel HD 5500) 480p YouTube uses about 25% CPU and playback is no problem, but 720p eats up over 80% and 1080p pegs out all threads at 100%. These higher-resolution videos will stutter or lag and the player UI also becomes unresponsive. 本帖最后由 lys292 于 2017-10-30 20:56 编辑. 之前没怎么用过这个软件,这几天玩刺客发现这个程序简直卡的不行,不是网络延迟那种,我离线运行也一样,就是程序卡,比如设置里每个选项点击一下要半天才反应过来,感觉就像死机一样。. 进程里这么多uplaywebcore.exe正常么. All other games are below average by around 20 fps. I DDU my drivers and did a fresh reinstall of windows, which still didn't help.

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Despite DirectX 11 API being more than 10 years old, it still delivers excellent performance but at the cost of high CPU processing. Additionally, some features supported by modern GPUs are not compatible with the older APIs, including DirectX 11. CPU: Intel Core i5 equivalent or higher; RAM: 8 GB; OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit; VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 and higher; PIXEL SHADER: 5.1; VERTEX SHADER: 5.1; FREE DISK SPACE: 30 GB; DEDICATED VIDEO RAM: 2048 MB Lead a group of interstellar pilots dedicated to free the Atlas Star System from Grax and the Forgotten Legion. Start your adventure with the full original Starlink: Battle for Atlas™ Initiative team. Challenge your friends with online multiplayer via Uplay.

Beendet man ihn, verabschiedet sich das gesamte Programm. Darin wird wahrscheinlich wie der Name schon sagt (WebCore = Webkern ) alles verarbeitet was mit den Online-Features zu tun hat, wie der Shop, die Freunde, Rewards, Actions, Erfolge, DLC´s etc.

Systeminformationsrapporten skrevs: 05/24/19 13:15:51

I opened the manager and I saw cpu having peaks until 90% which never occurred with steam or other parties. 2017-11-03 Description: uplaywebcore.exe file from Ubisoft is part of Uplay.

Uplay webcore high cpu

Systeminformationsrapporten skrevs: 05/24/19 13:15:51

Uplay webcore high cpu

Darin wird wahrscheinlich wie der Name schon sagt (WebCore = Webkern ) alles verarbeitet was mit den Online-Features zu tun hat, wie der Shop, die Freunde, Rewards, Actions, Erfolge, DLC´s etc. Was sich aber darin aber tatsächlich abspielt, kann ich dir leider auch nicht sagen. This is the new feature introduced by Microsoft in Fall Creators Update 1709. There are two modes available to you; Light and Dark. By default, the mode is set to Light. If you have changed to the dark mode, you should revert back to the light one.

Uplay webcore high cpu

I am just so confused because the PC ran flawlessly before I installed the cooler with the same drivers, etc, but now it performs well below what it should be reaching. Xps 15 9570. I tried limiting the long turbo to 15W by talking to unclewebb on this forum. But I just felt more at ease with the turbo being disabled. Because the cpu is just throttling when I limit the turbo. If the power is too high, the cpu Temps get higher throttles the gpu. My core and cache are undervolted too.
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Fail UplayWebCore.exe asub alamkaustas "C: \ Program Files (x86)" (tavaline on C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Ubisoft \ Ubisoft Game Launcher \ ).

It appears to do this only with R6S (though I only tested in R6S and the Division 2).
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Systeminformationsrapporten skrevs: 11/08/19 01:24:51

SYS (, 68,20 kB (69 840 byte), 2019-04-13 00:10) Namn NVIDIA High Definition Ja Manual Running OK Normal Nej Ja lgcoretemp Logitech CPU Core Tempurature \? c:\windows\system32\​web.core.dll vaultcli Menu\Programs\Ubisoft\Uplay HJALMAR_DATOR\Hjalmar Start  Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz, 4201 Mhz, 4 kärnor, 8 logiska Minnesadress 0xFF000000-0xFFFFFFFF Äldre enhet IRQ 16 High Definition Audio 10.0.17763.652 1 014,00 kB (1 038 Menu\Programs\Ubisoft\Uplay DESKTOP-F8HO7CE\peter Start  24 maj 2019 — Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2501 Mhz, 4 kärnor, 0xD1714000-0xD1717FFF High Definition Audio Controller OK Corporation c:\​windows\system32\ Start Menu\​Programs\Ubisoft\Uplay DESKTOP-NT8DND8\Tommy:Start  Then I noticed, that while the game is running, two tasks are using a lot of CPU power, even more than the game itself! Their names are: Uplay launcher (32 bites), Uplay WebCore (32 bites). I reinstalled Uplay but that still didn't solve the issue. It appears to do this only with R6S (though I only tested in R6S and the Division 2). The process known as Uplay WebCore belongs to software Uplay by Ubisoft (