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Kritiserat frihandelsavtal kan ännu bli av - Mat och klimat
Inte minst handlar det om vad konsekvenserna ska EU:s Mercosur-avtal De fyra så kallade Mercosurländerna (Argentina, Brasilien, Paraguay och Uruguay) utgör tillsammans världens sjunde största ekonomi med en sammanlagd bruttonationalprodukt The EU-Mercosur agreement belongs to an out-dated 20th Century model of trade that has failed the planet: it serves corporate interests at the expense of planetary boundaries and animal welfare, and drives untenable social inequalities. This website is a hub for resources and actions you can take to stop EU-Mercosur. Mercosur grundades den 26 mars 1991 genom Tratado de Asunción (Asunciónfördraget), som trädde i kraft 29 november 1991. Samarbetsorganisationen har ett gemensamt parlament i Montevideo, Uruguay samt en skiljedomstol i Asunción, Paraguay. Avtalet mellan EU och Mercosur innebär dock inte att det blir fritt fram för billig sydamerikansk köttimport. EU:s handelskommissionär Cecilia Malmström (S) konstaterar att en del EU-länder uttryckt oro för sådant som kött och socker, men att EU ändå fortsatt skyddar dessa sektorer med tullar, utöver de öppnade kvoterna.
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The EU is Mercosur's number one trade and investment partner. EU exports to Mercosur were €41bn in goods in 2019 and €21bn in services in 2018. The EU is the biggest foreign investor in Mercosur with a stock of €365 billion, while Mercosur’s investment stock in the EU amounts to €52 billion in 2017. Mercosur exports to the EU were worth €42.6 billion in that year, while EU exports to the Mercosur countries were worth €45 billion. Mercosur's biggest exports to EU countries are agricultural products such as food, beverages and tobacco, vegetable products including soya and coffee, and meat and other animal products. EU och Mercosur har kommit överens om att använda internationella standarder som bas för interna tekniska regleringar.
The EU-Mercosur FTA — which could be termed an inter-regional 2018-04-06 2020-06-05 6 hours ago EU exports to Mercosur stood at 45€ ,0 billion and EU imports from Mercosur at 42€ .5 billion. As for the geographical breakdown, Brazil accounted for €65 billion, Argentina for 18 billion, Paraguay for € €1.4 billion, and Uruguay for €3.1 billion.
Jord åt Folket-Podden #4: EU-Mercosur med Eva Jonsson
Alberto Fernandez, som ser ut att bli Argentinas nästa president, har uttalat sig kritiskt om avtalet och vill revidera det. Men Brasilien hotar att straffa Argentina om landet backar ur avtalet.
Ann Lindes uppdatera om Mercosur-avtalet - Sweden Abroad
The EU is Mercosur's number one trade and investment partner. EU exports to Mercosur were €41bn in goods in 2019 and €21bn in services in 2018. The EU is the biggest foreign investor in Mercosur with a stock of €365 billion, while Mercosur’s investment stock in the EU amounts to €52 billion in 2017. Mercosur exports to the EU were worth €42.6 billion in that year, while EU exports to the Mercosur countries were worth €45 billion. Mercosur's biggest exports to EU countries are agricultural products such as food, beverages and tobacco, vegetable products including soya and coffee, and meat and other animal products.
Här ska EU vara ledande. “The EU-Mercosur trade deal could have profound implications, positive and negative, for both sides. The European Commission should have been in a position to demonstrate that it had taken the potential impact on the environment and other issues fully into account before the deal was reached.
Offentliga sektorn finansiella sparande
EU plunged into crisis as Austria rejects key trade pact – shames bloc's green credentials AUSTRIA will block the EU's landmark trade agreement with the Mercosur bloc of South American countries The EU-Mercosur agreement is far from reaching that standard. We hope this briefing will provide a discussion for NGOs in Brazil who want to understand the implications of this deal for people and forests and take action.
In June 2019, the EU and
Frihandelsavtalet mellan EU och de fyra sydamerikanska Mercosur-länderna, där Brasilien ingår, är ett direkt hot mot miljön genom att bidra till ökad handeln av några av de mest klimat- och miljöskadliga varorna som kött, soja, bioetanol, bekämpningsmedel och fossilbilar. Mehr Soja, mehr Fleisch: Bauern in Brasilien und Argentinien wollen mehr von ihren Produkten nach Europa verkaufen.
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Jord åt Folket-Podden #4: EU-Mercosur med Eva Jonsson
Det är alltså ett avtal som innefattar mycket mer än bara handel.