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Utropspris: 65 kr. Typ: Auktion. Slutar: 2017-05-27 13:40:44

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Section 27. Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Harmony, Pennsylvania, August 1830. In preparation for a religious service at which the sacrament of bread and wine was to be administered, Joseph set out to procure wine. He was met by a heavenly messenger and received this revelation, a portion of which ESAT encourages submission of reliable information, news tips, documents, pictures, videos, other forms of data and ideas; ESAT Editor; ESAT Amsterdam +31685074700; ESAT Washington DC +15713354024; ESAT Addis Abeba +251940039999 3 Nephi 27.

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Utropspris: 65 kr. Typ: Auktion. Slutar: 2017-05-27 13:40:44

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