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One common, and harmless, cause of elevated bilirubin is Gilbert's syndrome, a deficiency in an enzyme that helps break down bilirubin. Typically, bilirubin levels fall somewhere between 0.3 and 1.2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL). Anything above 1.2 mg/dL is usually considered high. The condition of having high bilirubin levels If your bilirubin levels are higher than normal, it’s a sign that either your red blood cells are breaking down at an unusual rate or that your liver isn’t breaking down waste properly and clearing High Direct Bilirubin Levels A high direct bilirubin often means that your body has a harder time removing bilirubin, either due to a liver problem, or blocked bile ducts. However, a result that’s higher than normal, doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a health condition needing treatment.

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Turnaround time, 8hrs. 12 Nov 2013 A test for conjugated bilirubin, directly measures blood levels of the substance, hence it is called direct bilirubin. What are the other Names for this  Serum direct bilirubin between 0.1 and 0.4 mg/dL. because a high level of bilirubin at the expense of conjugated bilirubin can never be considered normal. A higher than normal (elevated) bilirubin test can reflect accelerated red blood cell destruction or may indicate that bilirubin is not being excreted as it should be,   Contrary to the typical presentation of Gilbert syndrome, bilirubin levels were persistently above 6 mg/dL, exhibiting an unusual presentation of the disease.

Sometimes, some of the fluids in the gallbladder can harden, causing small stones known as gallstones. These will need to be passed out through the digestive system. They can be extremely painful to pass and can result in a range of other symptoms.

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A liver stone or gallstone, or obstruction of the bile ducts by a tumour may also be involved. High direct bilirubin: causes Related articles: Indirect and direct bilirubin: origins, properties and metabolism High bilirubin: is hepatitis always the root cause?

Bili direct high

Information från Läkemedelsverket nr 4 2015

Bili direct high

Unconjugated bilirubin depicts the absence of sugar. Indirect bilirubin is not always associated with liver damage and can be high in non-liver conditions also. This form of bilirubin is not water The normal levels of direct bilirubin lie in the range of 0.1 to 0.3 mg/dL or 1.0 to 5.1 mmol/L.

Bili direct high

If your doctor believes that is a possibility imaging studies might be helpful and they're non-invasive. Basically when an elevated direct bilirubin is seen it suggests a liver issue.
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Vissa typer av ärftliga enzymbrister kan också orsaka en bilirubinstegring. Likaså ses ofta förhöjda bilirubinnivåer hos personer som är svårt sjuka av olika anledningar som inte behöver ha direkt med levern att göra, exempelvis vid tumörsjukdomar, svåra infektioner och svår hjärtsvikt.

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Common causes of higher indirect bilirubin include: Hemolytic anemia. This means your body is getting rid of too many red blood cells. Bleeding into the skin caused by injury. Bleeding in … If conjugated bilirubin levels are high: This is an indication that hepatitis has affected the liver in some way. It may be from an initial infection or a relapse of inflammation. Liver disease caused by alcohol abuse and certain drug reactions may also cause these levels to be high.