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The call for  6 PhD Positions and 1 post-doctoral position in human rights law, University of Cologne, deadline 28 February. https://twitter.com/ahnussberger/status/  Vacancies · Doctoral students · Lecturers, professors and postdoctoral fellows · Researchers and other academic staff · Technical and administrative staff. The Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, is seeking outstanding candidates for a PhD student position in Computer Science with focus on  Jobs LTU research company Shell, Ericsson, Scania LKAB airbus volvo IBM PhD student lecturer Professor teacher researchers technical administrative staff  Doctoral education positions at Karolinska Institutet are advertised continuoulsy on this page. The doctoral students contribute to a great extent to the research  PhD Student Position in Computer Science with focus on Digital Companions. 2021-05-15.

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If you want an answer on a question you must  Right now the Department is looking for two new PhD candidates, and the positions are currently being advertised on Lund University's homepage. You'll find  PhD student and postdoctoral positions at Uppsala University. PhD position with focus on natural disasters and climate change at the Department of Peace and  Three PhD-positions available in Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, and Developmental Cell Biology is available from 01.04.2007 on the project "  PhD student position in in Cell and Molecular biology / Immunology. Malmö. 24h. The PhD student will be admitted to a PhD education at Malmö University. Vi har ingen information att visa om den här sidan.

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Position as PhD Research Fellow in Natural Language Processing available in the Language Technology Group (LTG) within the Section for Machine Learning at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo (UiO), Norway.
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Department of Linguistics and … We’ve been helping students find and compare PhD research projects and programmes for over 15 years. As well as listing doctoral opportunities and scholarships, we also provide a wide range of advice on postgraduate research and funding. Our study guides will help you find the right PhD and explain what doing a PhD is actually like. 2020-09-01 PhD-student position in RNA modifications and breast cancer at the Department of Molecular Biology within the Marie Sklodowska-Curie action by the Framework Programme of the European Union for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020. 32 rows PhD position in the group ‘Language Evolution and Adaptation in Diverse Situations’. We are looking for a full-time PhD candidate to join the newly founded Minerva Group ‘Language Evolution and Adaptation in Diverse Situations’ (LEADS), led by Dr. Limor Raviv , at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics . 2021-01-20 Find jobs in Phd. University Positions is a leading academic career portal for Scientists, Researchers, Professors and lecturers in Europe Here are a few tips on how to overcome this difficulty.