SECTRA AB : Shareholders Board Members Managers and


Sectra AB Skatteverket

For numerous consecutive years, Sectra has been awarded ‘Best in KLAS’ for highest customer satisfaction. Contact us Visit the Sectra Group website Management and control of the Sectra Group is divided between the shareholders, the Board of Directors and the President. At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shareholders exercise their voting rights to make decisions concerning the make up of the Board and other central issus in accordance with Swedish corporate legislation and Sectra´s Articles Sectra also helps to raise the quality of medical education by providing solutions for the sharing and integration of medical images. More than 1700 hospitals worldwide use Sectra’s systems daily. This makes Sectra one of the world-leading companies within systems for handling digital images. 2021-03-15 Welcome to Sectra User Web. Sectra User Web is a service to all Sectra users worldwide. It provides personalized content including online helpdesk and support, software downloads, documentation on Sectra products including the Sectra e-learning, project updates, discussion forums and more.

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The Sectra Board of Directors has adopted a company insider policy to reduce the risks of unlawful disclosure of inside information, insider dealing and other unlawful behavior and to facilitate Sectra’s compliance with applicable insider rules. The policy covers all Sectra employees (Covered persons), both permanent and temporary positions. Sectra also helps to raise the quality of medical education by providing solutions for the sharing and integration of medical images. More than 1700 hospitals worldwide use Sectra’s systems daily.

We expect you to have a strong educational background and a proven track record of success, but also a sense of humor when appropriate.

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SEK 225,000. The Board members’ independence. Independent in relation to the company, the management and major shareholders. Education.

Sectra board

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Sectra board

Omsättningen uppgick helåret 2019/2020 till 1 661 MSEK. Sectra är noterat på Nasdaq Stockholm. 2021-03-15 · SECTRA AB is an information technology and services company that was founded in 1978 in Linköping, Sweden by Viiveke Fåk, Ingemar Ingemarsson, Rolf Blom and Robert Forchheimer which now provides educational and training tools for medical simulation. Through developing solutions and services for medical imaging IT and cybersecurity, the company has helped hospitals using healthcare […] Köp aktier i SECTRA B - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank.

Sectra board

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Jan-Olof Brüer Chairman of the Board Remuneration Committee Chairman Born/Elected Born 1951/Elected 2013/Chairman of the Board since 2018 Sectra holdings * Sectra’s Board of Directors has established an Audit Committee and a Remuneration Committee. Please see the section Board of Directors for information about which Board members that … Board committees.

Sectra Board of Director’s deems is required for Sectra to be able to con-tinue to operate the business accor-ding to the strategy that has been established. Redemption of shares is a good way for Sectra to distribute the surplus to its shareholders.
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It generates maximum revenue from the Imaging IT Solutions segment. SECTRA Virtual Dissection Board - 1 year Education Portal | Virtual Dissection Table | SECTRA is one of the world’s leading providers of IT systems for managing medical images and patient information with more than 1,800 installations worldwide.The Education … Linköping, Sweden, July 3, 2020 – Ahead of the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the Nomination Committee of the international medical imaging IT and cybersecurity company Sectra (STO: SECT B) has resolved to propose the reelection of all current Board members. Additionally, the Nomination Committee proposes the election of new Board member Fredrik Robertsson, Group Chief Security Officer of Sectra AB (publ) Board of Directors The board of director’s proposal and motivated statements The Board of Directors’ proposal to the Annual General Meeting is available at: These documents will be sent to shareholders who so request, and provide their postal address.