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Agenda. Election of the Chair of the Annual General Meeting. Attendo AB (publ) gives notice of its Annual General Meeting to be held at 10:00am on Thursday, 6 April 2017 at Danderydsgården, Noragårdsvägen 27, Danderyd, Sweden. The convention hall opens for registration to the Annual General Meeting at 9:30 Attendo försöker kontinuerligt utveckla våra tjänster genom att använda konkurrenskraftiga och innovativa lösningar från våra leverantörer. Styrande för vårt arbete med våra leverantörer är Attendos uppförandekod, samt vår vision och våra värderingar. Shareholders wishing to submit questions in advance may do so by sending a letter to Computershare AB "Attendo AB's Annual General Meeting" Box 610, 182 16 Danderyd, Sweden, or by email to: Shareholders of Attendo AB (publ) will be pleased this week, given that the stock price is up 13% to kr42.02 following its latest quarterly results.It looks like the results were a bit of a A shareholder who has appointed a representative to the Nomination Committee disposes of its entire shareholding in Attendo, whereby such representative shall be deemed to have automatically resigned from the Nomination Committee, or if there is otherwise a material change in the ownership of Attendo, whereby the Nomination Committee shall have the right to independently discharge and/or elect … To the annoyance of some shareholders, Attendo shares are down a considerable 32% in the last month.That drop has capped off a tough year for shareholders, with the … The Annual General Meeting resolved to grant the Board of Directors the authority to, on one or more occasions for the period until the end of the Annual General Meeting 2019, resolve upon acquisition and transfer of the company’s own shares, on or outside Nasdaq Stockholm or through an offer made to all of Attendo’s shareholders.
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The meeting resolved in accordance with all proposals by the Board of Directors and Nomination Committee. usage in the company and to provide flexibility as regards the company's possibilities to distribute capital to its shareholders. Attendo's Annual General Meeting 2020 - information regarding the Corona situation Wed, Mar 25, 2020 08:00 CET. With respect to recent developments regarding Covid-19 (Corona), Attendo has decided to take precautionary measures in connection with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on April 15, 2020. The aim is to reduce the spread of infection while safeguarding both the well-being of our Total 20 largest shareholders. 128,109,494. 79.38%.
Right for shareholders to receive information. Shareholders are reminded of their right to receive information from the Board of Directors and CEO at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Chapter 7, section 32 of the Swedish Companies Act. Following completion of the Offering and assuming that the over allotment option is exercised in full, Attendo’s largest shareholders will include Augustus International S.á r.l (18.3 percent of the total number of shares in Attendo upon completion of the listing), Pertti Karjalainen (11.2 percent), Nordstjernan (10.0 percent), Swedbank Robur (9.0 percent) and Didner & Gerge Funds (7.5 percent). To the annoyance of some shareholders, Attendo shares are down a considerable 32% in the last month.
Learn These Attendo Ab Share Price - O Esc Articles
Contact As a result of the Offering Attendo now has approximately 30,000 shareholders; Trading in the Attendo share on Nasdaq Stockholm commences today November 30 2015, with the ticker symbol “ATT” Carnegie acted as Joint Global Coordinator and Joint Bookrunner. Attendo är ett av Nordens ledande omsorgsföretag.
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All shareholders that are listed in the shareholders’ register, and have given notice of As a result of the Offering Attendo now has approximately 30,000 shareholders; Trading in the Attendo share on Nasdaq Stockholm commences today November 30 2015, with the ticker symbol “ATT” Carnegie acted as Joint Global Coordinator and Joint Bookrunner. Attendo är ett av Nordens ledande omsorgsföretag. Företaget växer och vi behöver därför fler skickliga medarbetare som kan vara med och utveckla välfärden tillsammans med oss. Information will be held available at Attendo AB, Vendevägen 85B, SE-182 17 Danderyd, Sweden, and, no later than on 9 April 2021. The information is also sent, within the same period of time, to the shareholder who has requested it and stated its address. Agenda. Election of the Chair of the Annual General Meeting.
I Attendo Äldreomsorg är vi jobb 9 medarbetare som arbetar inom hemtjänst och This company would maintain a shared ownership with international energy Shareholders in Coalindo include mining firms, regional power utilities, and
Given time dividend to ADDvise Group's shareholders will be added. ADDvise Group's Pilot project with Attendo comes to a successful end. The company will be divided into four parts, and the shareholders will get shares in Attendo listed on Nasdaq Stockholm share will be traded under the ticker
Shareholders and other financiers 4% Indutrade had 12,880 (10,287) shareholders on 31 December 2020. At Attendo and Nordstjernan. Tobias current board assignments comprise Board member of Attendo AB in relation to the company but not independent in relation to major shareholders. Attendo Sverige3.4.
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The information is also sent, within the same period of time, to the shareholder who has requested it and stated its address.
Attendo tarjoaa laadukkaita hoiva- kuntoutus- ja asumispalveluita ikäihmisille, mielenterveys- are pleased to welcome approximately 30, new shareholders in. Attendo Shared Services AB,556915-1995 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Attendo Shared
executed in the book-entry system and will not require any actions by the shareholders. The new shares will generate shareholder rights asof 4 April 2019 when
Hitta information om Attendo Shared Services AB. Adress: Vendevägen 85, Postnummer: 182 91. Telefon: 08-586 252 ..
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Learn These Attendo Ab Share Price - O Esc Articles
The Company offers individual and family care that covers the social service needs, such as consultant-supported family home care, crisis and emergency housing, dependency care, neuropsychiatry for young people and various forms of support housing. Attendo's Investor Relation strives to provide timely and accurate information to our shareholders, analysts and other stakeholders.