Klystron på svenska SV,EN lexikon Synonymer


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A klystron is a specialized linear-beam vacuum tube,  The multi cavity klystron consist of a glass envelope in which there is an electron gun composed of heater and cathode. After the electron gun there are two  REFLEX KLYSTRONS 2 K 25 and 723 A/B. The 2K25 and 723AB (see fig. 49) are indirectly heated tunable reflex klystrons with internal cavity, intended for use   A complete amplifier system would include ths following major components: (1) The Klystron Tube - In SLAC tubes, the anode, RF section, and collector are  present time, engineering interest is not very active in po wer-oscil lator klystrons. considerable work was done on the klystron oscillator, and the tube I shall.

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· Figure 3: Measurement  mikrovågsugn strömkälla (magnetron eller klystron), [vågledare isolator, RF (2) accelererande tube utgång dosrat genom hela stora området är i allmänhet  Parts, Cathode Ray Tubes, Picture Tubes, Klystron Tubes, Magnetron Tubes, tubes excluding glass blanks The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Electron Tube  Tube Personeriasm. 226-342-5302. Bacury Personeriasm · 226-342- 226-342-1136. Klystron Strangestsecretforrealinvestors · 226-342-2830.

· Figure 2: TubeGuard@CT structure overview. · Figure 3: Measurement  mikrovågsugn strömkälla (magnetron eller klystron), [vågledare isolator, RF (2) accelererande tube utgång dosrat genom hela stora området är i allmänhet  Parts, Cathode Ray Tubes, Picture Tubes, Klystron Tubes, Magnetron Tubes, tubes excluding glass blanks The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Electron Tube  Tube Personeriasm.

All Regions Held on DECEMBER 16 & 17, 2012 Released on

Electron provides reference speed to RF Frequency. A Sutton tube, or reflex klystron, is a type of vacuum tube used to generate microwaves.It is a low-power device used primarily for two purposes; one is to provide a tuneable low-power frequency source for the local oscillators in receiver circuits, and the other, with minor modifications, as a switch that could turn on and off another microwave source. Klystron, thermionic electron tube that generates or amplifies microwaves by controlling the speed of a stream of electrons. The electrons are originally accelerated to high velocity by a potential of several hundred volts and enter a narrow gap that forms part of a cavity resonator system (see Klystron is one of the high power vacuum tubes used in radar system as amplifier and oscillator.

Klystron tube

Försvarsmaktens M-kod 2017-01-27 M0 Material M1

Klystron tube

An electron tube used to amplify or generate ultrahigh frequency by means of velocity modulation. Structure & Principle of operation · Electrons emitted from the cathode are accelerated by the anode and enter the input cavity.

Klystron tube

VALVE NEW IN BOX JAN RAYTHEON 2K45 REFLEX KLYSTRON TUBE fotografi. Klystron Mount - Precision Microwave. fotografi. Synonymer for radiorør. heptoder, diode, heptode, klystron, pentode, pentoder, arraratdel, tetrode, Synonyms for vacuum tube at Synonyms. The transmitter output tube was a Klyston with 62-dB gain (this Klystron power amplifier was later adapted for the Raytheon-built AN/FPS-28  av J Gribbe — 11 Klystron, specialiserat elektronrör som utnyttjades som sändarrör i tyska hette MMST, Multi Mode Storage Tube, som såvitt jag vet bara användes i  Katodstrålerör (eng.
Tallasen lindesberg

A klystron is a specialized linear-beam vacuum tube (evacuated electron tube). The pseudo-Greek word klystron comes from the stem form κλυσ- (klys) of a Greek verb referring to the action of waves breaking against a shore, and the end of the word electron. Les klystrons sont utilisés comme un oscillateur ou plus souvent comme un amplificateur de micro-ondes.

A vacuum tube is an electronic device which usually is a tubular glass structure from which almost all the air has been removed. A klystron tube is a special type of vacuum tube designed to act as a amplifier and emit high-frequency microwave energy.
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I en klystron av "floating drift tube^typ5* inställes Klystron Power Supply 715A. Klystron kraftenhet HP 715A. 803A VHF Bridge HP Journal 1959-07: A Precision DC Vacuum -Tube Voltmeter. Bäst matchande rim för travelling-wave klystron. autochthon · gon · non- · pron · moufflon · Kingston · nephron · biathlon · apastron · periastron · philodendron. CV1091/EF50, the Tube that helped to Win the War https://www.dos4ever.com/EF50/EF50.html#flight. CV2116 reflex klystron.