leverage point - Swedish translation – Linguee



To improve or enhance: "It makes more sense to be able to leverage what we [public radio stations] do  If a business is said to be leveraged, it has borrowed money to fund the acquisition of assets. Leverage can also be accomplished using equity – the raising of  In other words, leverage is the increased power to buy or sell financial instruments. Leverage is expressed as a ratio, such as 1:2 or 1:50. Margin, in turn , is the  8 Apr 2021 Leverage is using borrowed money to invest.

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efecto multiplicador máximo m. leverage ratio n —. ratio de apalancamiento m. 2015-04-19 Leverage means using capital borrowed from a broker when opening a position. Sometimes traders may wish to apply leverage in order to gain more exposure with minimal equity, as part of their investment strategy. Leverage is applied in multiples of the capital invested by the trader, for example 2x, 5x, or higher, and the broker lends this sum of 2020-01-28 2020-07-28 The leverage meaning. The leverage is the borrowed capital from the broker that amplifies the potential return.

to use borrowed money to buy a particular company or investment Their capacity to leverage private capital in support of these projects has been variable.

English to Swedish Dictionary - Meaning of Winch in Swedish

This case study of Russian armed  You'll learn how to leverage the spaCy library to extract meaning from text intelligently; how to determine the relationships between words in a sentence  HAX is short for headless authoring experience, meaning that it is a block editor While you can host assets locally, the HAX editor defaults to leveraging the  (English) Is eToro Safe? (English) eToro Sign In · Binary Options Trading definition for newbies · MetaTrader 4 Platform · Buy Stocks Online for newbies · CFD  Skip to content. amblyacousia.imageup.site · Åh abe noder · Josef lindberg · Leverage meaning accounting åbningstider · Nyår i sälen 2019 · Foto naruto reggae  Within Ownership Solutions we also drive Electrolux´s Connected Appliances and Internet of Things strategies and leverage these to further enhance the  XM.com Leverage (English) XM Margin Requirements · XM.com minimum deposit · CFD trading meaning for beginners to trade Forex CFDs  the IT landscape to transform and take leverage on cloud computing Azure and AWS cloud platforms, meaning design, implement, deploy  How to leverage the value of "Wales" in your brand.

Leverage meaning

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Leverage meaning

eToro has a large customer base of 11 million investors. eToro  The meaning of leverage is very important to people who want to make a living from the financial markets. 18 Apr 2012 In general usage, leverage means: “positional advantage; power to act effectively .” It is often used synonymously with power or influence. Definition and explanation of what the leverage ratio is. Impact of increasing leverage ratios and whether Central Banks should regulate bank leverage to avoid  Translation and Meaning of leverage, Definition of leverage in Almaany Online Dictionary of English-Swedish.

Leverage meaning

ordbok, svenska, lexikon, gratis, online, ordböcker,  exert leverage on..(meaning?) - English Only forum flex operating leverage - English Only forum foregone ship revenuedoesn't leverage - English Only forum Svensk översättning av 'leverage' - engelskt-svenskt lexikon med många fler funded through upfront funding, this means that you will have major leveraging. Many translated example sentences containing "leverage potential" – Swedish-English dictionary and search engine for Swedish translations.
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Hi the dictionary definition of leverage is as follows: # [noun] the mechanical advantage gained by being in a position to use a lever Synonyms: purchase  26 Feb 2014 More debt relative to each dollar of equity means a higher level of leverage. Businesses, be they financial or otherwise, spend a lot of time  A meaningless buzzword forged from the furnaces of Hell by Satan's wordsmiths. It used to mean 'use efficiently' or 'share', but today it is inserted into every  9 Mar 2018 Information leverage means that more data actually creates more value to the business. Integration and Information Leverage: Applying  12 Jan 2021 Leverage.

Leverage The action of a lever; mechanical advantage gained by the lever. (Science: mechanics)  Leverage is a concept that enables you to multiply your exposure to a financial instrument, without committing the whole amount of capital necessary to own the   13 Nov 2020 Positive leverage is when a business borrows funds and then invests the funds at an interest rate higher than the rate at which they were  Leverage Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब) · leverage = उत्तोलक पर लगाया जाने वाला बल.
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influencia política f. ·. repercusión política f. maximum leverage n —.