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pl. j's or J's also js or Js 1. Se hela listan på about.urbandictionary.com Define urban. urban synonyms, urban pronunciation, urban translation, English dictionary definition of urban. relating to a city; characteristic of city life: How Well Do You Know Me?!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRdgoYcUgCk&list=PLdU_QLI5aP-8n36PC6nMd-aHogBzOqRPX&index=3Support Us On Patreon https://www.pat Urban Dictionary tweets allegedly antisemitic definition of 'anti-Zionism' Many Twitter users were outraged with the retweet of anti-Zionism and accompanying definition given by Urban Dictionary © Urban Dictionary. All rights reserved. Home Store Contact us Report bug Help Privacy Terms Trademark concerns J, j definition: 1.
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J, j definition: 1. the tenth letter of the English alphabet 2. the tenth letter of the English alphabet. Learn more. © Urban Dictionary. All rights reserved. Urban Dictionary is like Wordie’s bad, older brother who taught it how to smoke and swear.
the tenth letter of the English alphabet 2. abbreviation for joule 3. → joule. Learn more.
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