Kalmar Nyckel Tall Ship of Delaware - North DelaWHERE Happening
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24 Jul 2019 “Kalmar Nyckel,” the full-scale replica of a 17th century Swedish naval vessel of Delaware, arrived in Provincetown for day and evening sails 7 Sep 2018 Kalmar Nyckel, the 141 ft.-tall ship from Lewes, Delaware, is at the Baltimore Inner Harbor this weekend and Draken Harald Harfage, a 115 ft. 29 Mar 2018 The ships were to sail to the Delaware River (or Zuyd Rivier [South River] as the Dutch called it). Once there, they were to purchase land from the 21 May 2016 In 1998 a replica of the Kalmar Nyckel was commissioned, her home port is Wilmington Delaware. Specifications. Length on deck 94 feet (29 m).
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10,504 likes · 344 talking about this · 4,045 were here. Tag us! #KNSails You can’t miss the awesome sight of the Kalmar Nyckel’s huge mast and elaborate rigging gracing the docks of the riverfront. Hand-built with the same old world craftsmanship used on the original ship, this replica is designed after the Swedish ship, which brought the first permanent European settlers to the banks of the Christina River […] The original Kalmar Nyckel brought Swedish and Finnish settlers to Delaware in the 1600's. Read more. Date of experience: October 2018. Representative Stephanie T. Bolden introduces Senate Bill 205 to the Delaware State House of Representatives naming Kalmar Nyckel THE Tall Ship of Kalmar Nyckel, Wilmington, Delaware.
Throughout, the season the Kalmar Nyckel will either dock in the Kalmar Nyckel, Wilmington, Delaware. 10,455 likes · 383 talking about this · 4,020 were here.
Nyckel Markering - Fox On Green
#KNSails 2018-05-18 · The Kalmar Nyckel is a replica of the 17th-Century Dutch Pinnace ship that brought the first European settlers to Delaware, and its home port is right here in Wilmington. Facebook / Kalmar Nyckel This ornate ship has been recreated by the Kalmar Nyckel foundation, down to every last detail! Minnesmärke över svenska örlogsskeppet Kalmar nyckel 1638.
Kalmar Nyckel Foundation releases the 2009 Annual Report.
Skulpturen står i Christina State Park ( Fort Christinaparken ) i Wilmington , USA. vi skall gå mot Delaware Kalmar Nyckel är det stolta skeppets namn Kalmar Nyckels resa till Delaware Historisk bakgrund till Kalmar Nyckel På initiativ av Gustav II Adolf hade, på ett möte i Stockholm i januari 1629, det sk skeppskompaniet konstituerats av fullmäktige från svenska sjöstäder. The name Kalmar Nyckel comes from the Swedish city of Kalmar and nyckel meaning key in Swedish. The name was also a tribute to Kalmar Castle which was a symbol of power during the time of the Swedish Empire when Sweden was a military great power. A replica of the ship was launched at Wilmington, Delaware, in 1997. A museum room at the Kalmar Nyckel Shipyard which celebrates Delaware's Swedish heritage. Includes information about re-enactments and guided tours. Kalmar Nyckel.
Sail & Explore; Ship & Shore; Purchase Tickets; Events & Rentals; Directions; Private Sails & Events; Education; Volunteer. Crew Training; Support
A museum room at the Kalmar Nyckel Shipyard which celebrates Delaware's Swedish heritage. Includes information about re-enactments and guided tours. Kalmar Nyckel was the Swedish naval ship that voyaged to the New World in 1638 to launch the colony of New Sweden, establishing the first permanent European settlement in the Delaware Valley. Our maritime center is located just 200 yards from the original 1638 landing site at “The Rocks” in Wilmington, DE.
Petter Holländer Ridder ‧ FIN 1608-1692 SWE ‧ » 1639:Kalmar Nyckel »1642:Fama-Return ‧ 1640-1643: Governor Swedish colony New Sweden Delaware ‧ Johan Rising John Classon Rising, jr
Kalmar Nyckel, Wilmington, Delaware. 10,504 likes · 344 talking about this · 4,045 were here.
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Kalmar Nyckel is a re-creation of the Tall Ship of Delaware, built by the Dutch in 1625, that brought the first permanent European settlers to the Delaware Valley in 1638. The Kalmar Nyckel provides day sails, dock tours, river cruises and pirate theme-sails. The sailing season takes place from (April - October). Throughout, the season the Kalmar Nyckel will either dock in the shipyard along Kalmar Nyckel Foundation, Wilmington: Läs recensioner av resenärer som du och se professionella bilder på Kalmar Nyckel Foundation i Wilmington, delaware på Tripadvisor. Kalmar Nyckel sails from May through October each year, starting at her home berth at the Tatiana & Gerret Copeland Maritime Center on the Christina River in downtown Wilmington, DE and also in nearby Historic New Castle, DE.. In a typical year, her captains, mates, and volunteer crew sail throughout the Atlantic seaboard from Virgina to New England, including the Chesapeake Bay and Hudson River.
TTC MediaKalmar Nyckel · Kalmar Nyckel Tall Ships, 17th Century,
En kopia av Kalmar Nyckel som transporterade de första svenskarna till 1638 till Delaware, sedan Sverige beslutat att upprätta en koloni där. Kalmar Nyckel, tall ship, Delaware.
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Kalmar Nyckel @KalmarNyckel Twitter
Representative Stephanie T. Bolden introduces Senate Bill 205 to the Delaware State House of Representatives naming Kalmar Nyckel THE Tall Ship of Kalmar Nyckel, Wilmington, Delaware. 10,478 likes · 250 talking about this · 4,029 were here. Tag us! #KNSails 2018-05-18 · The Kalmar Nyckel is a replica of the 17th-Century Dutch Pinnace ship that brought the first European settlers to Delaware, and its home port is right here in Wilmington. Facebook / Kalmar Nyckel This ornate ship has been recreated by the Kalmar Nyckel foundation, down to every last detail! Minnesmärke över svenska örlogsskeppet Kalmar nyckel 1638. Nya Sverige (engelska: New Sweden) var en svensk koloni som grundades 1638.Kolonin låg vid Nordamerikas östkust i de nuvarande amerikanska delstaterna Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey och Maryland.