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EAA - ekonomisk kalkyl för jordbrukssektorn - In English

ugly. Che riesce sgradevole o suscita contrarietà o repulsione : un uomo b. una b. commedia commettere una b. azione ║ B. muso , duro,  7 Apr 2019 With videos in slow Italian with subtitles and Italian lessons in English, you are guaranteed to “get it”.

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Mer  Fil:Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) logo.png. Fil Diskussion. Läs på ett English: Original italian logo of the film. Italiano: Logo  I samband med de nya reglerna aktualiserades frågan om beräkningen av bruttolönen ska göras med eller utan beaktande av expertskattelättnaden. When using a gross comparison to calculate allowances, the employee can receive a higher total gross than he or she would have received without reduced hours. SV-Brutto --> Sozialversicherungs Brutto --> total income relevant for the calculation of social security amount. RV-Beitrag --> Rentenversicherungsbeitrag --> pension payments --> 19,9% of SV-Brutto split in half between employer and employee

bruttoinkomst - English translation – Linguee

Check 'brutto' translations into English. Look through examples of brutto translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Look up the German to English translation of brutto in the PONS online dictionary.

Brutto in english

EAA - ekonomisk kalkyl för jordbrukssektorn - In English

Brutto in english

Understandably, the other person was very confused. As you may already suspect, the words brutto and netto are not part of the English language. The corresponding English words are grossRead More Bei der Zuschuß-Berechnung durch Brutto-Vergleich kann ein Mitarbeiter ein höheres Gesamtbrutto erhalten als er ohne Kurzarbeit bekommen hätte. When using a gross comparison to calculate allowances, the employee can receive a higher total gross than he or she would have received without reduced hours.

Brutto in english

D50. D50 brutto: Åsa Vagland. H55 netto: Bo Nilsson. H70 netto: Bertil  Fondens brutto- och nettoexponering varierar mellan år, månader och till och med inom månader. Exponeringen i diagrammet ovan är bara en ögonblicksbild  english terms: gross floor area. outside gross area.
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brutto (also: brutta , sgradevole , antipatica , antipatico , invisa , inviso , scostante , indisponente ) brutto come la fame as ugly as sin b (cattivo, gen) bad, (ferita, malattia, strada, affare) nasty, (carattere) unpleasant, nasty ho un brutto raffreddore I've got a bad cold ho fatto un brutto sogno I had a bad dream brutto translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Brustton',Brut',Bruttolohn',Brutalo', examples, definition, conjugation Translation Context Spell check Synonyms Conjugation More 2021-4-5 · Translation for 'Brutto' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. Translation of "brutto" in English ugly nasty terrible tough awful big ugliest horrible uglier foul Translations in context of "brutto" in German-English from Reverso Context: Brutto-, Brutto- und Nettogewicht, euro brutto Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation More brutto.

Human translations with Swedish. Den vikt som skall rapporteras in är brutto-bruttovikten för godset.
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zysk {m} brutto ze Italian Translation for brutto - English-Italian Dictionary 2014-5-24 What does Brutto skat mean in English? If you want to learn Brutto skat in English, you will find the translation here, along with other translations from Danish to English. We hope this will help you in learning languages. Translation of 'Faccio brutto' by Fedez from Italian to English. 1. fare brutto {to make ugly/bad} = to rock the world; to be a bad guy, to be respected, to be the best. The song laughs at the ‟street rapper” cliché, which would have a rapper be the more cool and respected the more he … 2008-11-27 By its third plea in law, the appellant contends that the Court of First Instance breached Articles 18 and 30(1) and (2) of Directive 93/37 and the contract documents and infringed the principles of equality and transparency inasmuch as it formed the view that the qualitative criteria have as their main function to check that each tenderer has the competence and abilities required to carry out German to English translations [PRO] Bus/Financial; German term or phrase: SV-Brutto KV/PV: I apologize in advance, but this taken from a Verdienstabrechnung and appears only in a list of earnings.