CASA AD/CESSNA 206/54. Cessna Aircraft Company developed the Supplemental. Inspection Document ( SID) for each aircraft. These supplemental inspections were developed to utilize   May 31, 2017 The FAA recommends performing the inspections detailed in the Cessna supplemental inspection document (SID) 55-10-01. Both the SAIB and  Getting the books cessna 180 185 service manual now is not type of challenging COMMENTS Coordinate this inspection with SID. 55-30-01 55-10-01 1. 10RS.23, DC-10 SID REFERENCE STANDARD DETAIL -1 SHEET 1 PAGE 1. 5290020-4, Cessna Model 401/402 Calibration Standard Figure 4 part 2 & 3 Inspection.

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The additional SID inspection requirements are incorporated into the specific aircraft Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICAs). The following defects have been found in compliance with the SIDs for Cessna 100 Series aircraft. Click on the pictures below to view a larger version. For your convenience, I've provided two different packages: msfs2020-G3000-enhanced-std and msfs2020-G3000-enhanced-tbm. At this point, I recommend downloading the -tbm version for several reasons. First, the -std version will break the Cessna Citation Longitude (if you don't have the Longitude installed you can safely ignore this point).

Initial Compliance:3000 hours or 5 years.

TITLE: Horizontal Stabilizer, Elevators and Attachments Inspection 2. EFFECTIVITY 18051994 thru 18053167 185-1448 thru 18504138 INSPECTION COMPLIANCE ALL USAGE: INITIAL 5,000 Hours or 20 Years (NOTE) REPEAT 2,000 Hours or 5 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 150 SERIES (1969 - 1976) SERVICE MANUAL SUPPLEMENTAL INSPECTION NUMBER: 55-10-01 1.

Cessna sid 55-10-01

Cessna sid 55-10-01

We have experience with all versions of Cessna 172, all versions of Cessna 150, Cessna 152 and both Cessna 182 fixed gear and Cessna 182 retractable gear versions. 1969 CESSNA 337 For Sale in Lloydminster, Alberta at Controller.com. PRICE REDUCED!!! Owner needs gone! 1800lbs useful load, IO360 engines, low time factory re-manufactured engines, SL30 Digital Nav/Comm, Apollo GX65 Digital GPS/Comm, SL70 Transponder/altitude encoder, KR87 Digital ADF, PS Engineering PMA7000-S audio panel/intercom, Robertson STOL kit CASA AD/Cessna/400/40, that has been around for more than 10 years, gave the spar an 8200 hour life. Now Cessna have said that CASA was optimistic and have reduced it back to 6500 hours (SID 57-10-08) so he still has 3500 hours to go. At his current rate that's another 20 years or … 2012-10-10 This instrument applies to any single engine Cessna Aircraft Company (Cessna) aircraft to which any of the following Cessna documents apply: (a) Service Bulletin SEB03-1 or SB 02-55-01 “Elevator Rivet Installation” as referenced in Supplemental Inspection Document (SID) 55-10-01; Cessna 100 series aircraft: all required SID inspections must be completed by 30 June 2014 (2A-13-00 page 5).

Cessna sid 55-10-01

ALL USAGE: INITIAL 10,000 Hours or 20 Years (NOTE).
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PRICE REDUCED!!! Owner needs gone! 1800lbs useful load, IO360 engines, low time factory re-manufactured engines, SL30 Digital Nav/Comm, Apollo GX65 Digital GPS/Comm, SL70 Transponder/altitude encoder, KR87 Digital ADF, PS Engineering PMA7000-S audio panel/intercom, Robertson STOL kit Cessna 100 series aircraft: all required SID inspections must be completed by 30 June 2014 (2A-13-00 page 5). Note: 2A-14-31 Engine Mount inspection by 30 June 2015 or next engine overhaul.

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2. EFFECTIVITY • 17280001 and On, 172S8001 and On.. INSPECTION COMPLIANCE. ALL USAGE: INITIAL 10,000 Hours or 20 Years (NOTE). REPEAT 3,000 Hours or 5 Years (NOTE) NOTE: Refer to Note 1, Section 5-14-00.. 3. PURPOSE Model 182S/182T/T182T Maintenance Manual (Rev 20) 5-14-11-0 (Rev 18) SUPPLEMENTAL INSPECTION NUMBER: 55-10-01.