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Utility of Self-Directed Learning, Studying Tape and

It can be useful to learn strategies to help you adapt to this new way of learning. This module will help you remember information and learn more effectively. Students study at home on their own, and the learning is more individual and varies on speed and timeline according to each individual student and their availability. Distance learning actually relies on the educational tools of online learning, and that is probably why there is some confusion between the two. Make learning fun.

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Studying Smart - Module 4 of 4. Learning online means learning in a way that is different than what you’re used to. It can be useful to learn strategies to help you adapt to this new way of learning.

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2021-01-23 · Associate what you’re learning in theory with a more practical or tangible example. If you are studying history, for instance, try to make a story related to the subject. Or visit a museum, battlefield, etc. associated with it.

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Set up a dedicated learning environment for studying. By completing your work there repeatedly, you’ll begin to establish a routine.
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