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Tue. 9 Feb 2021. Jacques Dubochet holding his Nobel medal during Nobel week. PHOTO: Alexander Mahmoud ©Nobel Media AB 2017 Jacques Dubochet, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2017 , recently surprised EMBL in a wonderful way: he donated an official replica of his Nobel medal, which will be displayed when the EMBL Archive is inaugurated this summer. "Early cryo-electron microscopy"Jacques Dubochet delivered his Nobel Lecture on 8 December 2017 at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. The Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize, and $1.1 million, to Dubochet, Joachim Frank from New York’s Columbia University and Richard Henderson of MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, for their developments in electron microscopy.

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Fri. 26 Mar 2021. MLA style: Jacques Dubochet – Banquet speech. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Media AB 2021. Sat. 13 Mar 2021. MLA style: Jacques Dubochet – Nobel diploma. NobelPrize.org.

Nobel Media AB 2021. Tue. 9 Feb 2021.

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Jacques dubochet nobel prize 2021

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Jacques dubochet nobel prize 2021

Dans le cadre de la finale internationale 2018 de "Ma thèse en 180 secondes" Jacques Dubochet, professeur UNIL co-lauréat du The 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry transforms Jacques Dubochet’s life.

Jacques dubochet nobel prize 2021

Early cryo-electron microscopy Jacques Dubochet delivered his Nobel Lecture on 8 December 2017 at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. Early cryo-electron microscopy Jacques Dubochet delivered his Nobel Swedish Pressmeddelande 7 oktober 2009 har beslutat utdela Nobelpriset i kemi år  10 dec. 2017 — Professor Peter Brzezinski presenterar Nobelpriset i kemi 2017 i Stockholms Konserthus. Copyright © Nobel Jacques Dubochet flyttade till Heidelberg för att försöka göra just detta.
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2017-10-04 Jacques Dubochet from the canton of Vaud, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in October, is without doubt a witty personality, and summed up his achievement by remarking that all he had done was invent cold water. Resource URI: http://data.nobelprize.org/resource/laureate/944. Home | All laureate . Property Value; dbpedia-owl:affiliation

Dubochet discovered that water could retain its liquid form at freezing temperatures if it was cooled very rapidly in liquid ethane. EMBL alumnus Jacques Dubochet recognised for cryo-electron microscopy work carried out at EMBL EMBL alumnus Jacques Dubochet has been named as a co-recipient of the 2017 Nobel Prize in chemistry for developing cryo-electron microscopy to determine the structure of the molecular building blocks of life in high-resolution.
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MLA style: Jacques Dubochet – Banquet speech. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Media AB 2021.