Mollusc Shells in Swedish Archaeology - Open Journals vid
Cypraea tigris - Cypraea tigris. Tiger Cypria Utdrag från
[1] This species is called "money cowry" because the shells were historically widely used in many Pacific and Indian Ocean countries as shell money before coinage was in common usage. Description Broad shell with knobbly outline and raised dome, up to 4 cm. Colour creamy, yellowish or pale green, occasionally with three faint darker bands. Habitat: various, especially shallow seagrass beds. Distribution: Indo-Pacific; tropical Indo-Pacific, also in Australia in Kalk (1958).
Size: 26.6mm. (By Digital Caliper). Notes: FROM AN ASIAN TRIP. NEVER SEEN THIS TYPE OF PYGMENTATION BEFORE. SHIPPED FAST BY USPS PRIORITY MAIL USA TO USA! The Chinese are known to have used Cypraea moneta and C. annulus as grave items, gifts, and eventually as money. The first mention of them in historical annals and archeological digs indicate that the shells were first used in the later Xia Dynasty (c.
Cypraea saulae 2.
*Cypraea talpa, C.cruenta, C. isabella, C. felina - Europeana
CYPRAEIDAE Schilder, F.A., 1927 ThumbNails: Subfamily : CYPRAEIDAE EROSARIINAE ThumbNails: Propustularia Sacco, F., 1894 Type species : Propustularia surinamensis Perry Cypraea moneta rostrated from New Caledonia. Rare rostrated species. No longer found, only from old collection.
Översätt cowry från engelska till spanska - Redfox Lexikon
Tewdwr Knutson. Monetaria moneta, common name the money cowry, is a species of small sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Cypraeidae, the cowries.
Its common name is ‘money cowrie’. Cowrie is insoluble in water. The shell most widely used worldwide as currency was the shell of Cypraea moneta, the money cowry. This species is most abundant in the Indian Ocean, and was collected in the Maldive Islands, in Sri Lanka, along the Malabar coast, in Borneo and on other East Indian islands, and in various parts of the African coast from Ras Hafun to Mozambique. Cypraea (Genus) Cypraea moneta (Species) Status unaccepted (original combination) Accepted Name. Monetaria moneta (Linnaeus, 1758) Rank. Species
Money cowries (Cypraea moneta) are small snail-like creatures that live in the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Sfi partille
Regional names: Kis. Cypraea monetaoccasionally has an orange ring on the dorsum similar to Cypraea annulus, but it is distinguished by its heavy Juvenile specimens of the two species are difficult to separate. Remarks:This is the well known money cowry which was used for currency in some Commonly collected in large quantities for shellcraft.
money cowrie in English キイロダカラ in Japanese Bibliographic References. Branch, G. M. (2002). Cypraea Moneta Cowry Craft Seashells 3/4" (10 Shells) NauticalSales.
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