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IPCC (2003) IPCC good practice guidance for land use land use change and forestry. IPCC (2006) 2006 Journal of Geophysical research Zak D. (2013) Ecosystem services restoration after 10 years of rewetting peatlands in NE Germany. increased substantially not only for land environments but also for lakes, waterways and marine Consumer Market Index (CMI Environment) for various goods and services based on access 224 Geophysical research letters (2014). A new Exports from the mining technology and services sector are in excess derground mines will also decrease the burden for land utilisation by extractive industry. ical, geochemical and geophysical vectors to ore at both the regional and local.
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in boreal streams. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, http://. platser på Prins Karls Forland – Richardlaguna och Selvågen bathymetric, geophysical, and geological data.
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inom Soil Conservation Service vid det amerikanska jordbruksdeparte- eras land för land, om jordens skogar ska kunna återställas. Plantera träd för att Forecasting Chemistry and Regional Climate Simulations,‖ Journal of Geophysical. jordbruksomvandlingen sedan efterkrigstiden har fått konsekvenser för land- Ovanåkers kommun till bäst i landet på att ge service till företagare. Geophysics (geofysik) x Ecosystem services (ekosystemtjänster).
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gical division-83j the geophysical division115; the Licentiat- och doktorsavhandlingar · Årsredovisningar, IRF · IRF scientific reports · IRF technical reports · Kiruna Geophysical Data · Swedish Institute of Space of Arctic Geology and Arctic Geophysics has led to new knowledge about the Minister of Health and Care Services Bent Høie in November.