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Oscar II-klass ubåt - Hobbyroom
79 SEK / st. Antal. st. Lägg i kundvagnen. Nu finns produkten i kundvagnen. Till kassan 1. Lagerstatus 1 st i lager HMS Oscar II, officiellt HM Pansarskepp Oscar II [1], var ett pansarskepp som tillhörde den svenska marinen.Fartyget var en vidareutveckling av Äran-klassen och skilde sig från denna genom större storlek, högre fart och kraftigare sekundärartilleri.
The newsfeed doesn't contain any items. More about the Submarine Oscar II-class submarine. The Submarine Oscar II-class-page contains all related products, articles, books, walkarounds and plastic scale modeling projects dedicated to this ship. News Feed.
Principal builders: P.P. Pustyntsev and I.L. Bazanov Construction Yard. The Oscar-II submarines were built in Severodvinsk. Base.
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Oscar II Class Russ. N. 1/700. HobbyBoss. 79 SEK / st. Antal. st. Lägg i kundvagnen.
Project 949A. Oscar II class . Drawings:--18 units planned. Ships: K-148 - Severodvinsk Shipyard - serial no. 617 - laid down 22.7.82 - launched 3.3.85 - completed 30.9.86; from 3.85 attached to the 339th Submarine Brigade; 15.12.85 suffered a turbine accident, and returned to the yard - 10.9.86 resumend test programme; from 5.11.86 attached to the 11th Submarine Division; 1987 final tests
Oscar II Class. Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missile Submarine.
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Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missile Submarine 2021-02-17 2009-08-24 Markings Submarine Oscar II-class Submarine Oscar-class Russian Navy . Kursk, Northern Fleet K-141 2000; Omsk, Pacific Fleet K-186 1994; Box contents. Includes: Plastic sprue (Clear), Plastic sprue, Decalsheet (waterslide). Product timeline Sep 7, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Marty Guderian Stevenson.
N. 1/700. HobbyBoss.
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1. OSCAR-II Installation Manual, WA August 2018 Manufactured by: Lowridge Onsite Technologies, LLC PO Box 1179 Lake Stevens, WA 98258 877-476-8823 The Oscar II class boats are fitted with a floating antenna buoy to receive satellite navigation signals, target designation data and radio messages at a great depth and under the ice. Submarines of this class are powered by two OK-650 pressurized water nuclear reactors, powering two steam turbines. SSGN Oscar II class cruise-missile submarines (Project 949A/Antey class) are designed primarily to attack NATO aircraft carrier battle groups. To cope with its resource problems, the Russian Navy, in the early 1990s, made an effort at preserving its core submarine force capabilities. The Russian Navy continued to invest in new construction.