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på engelska med infött uttal. Engslsk översättning av It stands to reason. Stands to Reason (SE). Varmblodig valack född 2009 e. Zerberus.

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phr. As the "second largest recipient" it stands to reason that Magnola's grant would be greater than the other recipients' grants registry.nafta-sec-alena.org Il e st manif es te que l'analyse ou les termes de comparaison employés sont dépourvus de logique mathématique ou de rigueur statistique. stand to reason it stands to reason. It is the logical conclusion (that something is the case). It stands to reason that if you don't stand to reason. To be a logical or reasonable conclusion or deduction.


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OpenSubtitles2018.v3. But, Jesse, dear, it stands to reason opensubtitles2.

It stands to reason

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It stands to reason

Since analytical methods use different aspects of speech (different types of metaphor), it stands to reason that students will associate with a given type of language. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English it stands to reason (that) it stands to reason (that) LOGICAL used to say that something should be completely clear to anyone who is sensible It stands to reason that you cannot find the right person to do a job unless you know exactly what that job is. → stand Examples from the Corpus it stands to reason (that) • Well, it sounds a very It stands to reason that your emotions factored in So it stands to reason the equipment wasn't right Therefore, it stands to reason it would affect his cyber-render See how to use it stands to reason that in a sentence. Lot of example sentences with the word it stands to reason that.

It stands to reason

"It stands to reason the effect can't be zero, " he said. So it stands to reason that they seek a high public profile.; It stands to reason you can't wave your arms around the place ."; It stands to reason that butter would be next in line. "It stands to reason we'd be part of that group, " he said. It stands to reason, back arrow, forward arrow, flip, flip, flip. Related to it stands to reason: out of commission, at first blush, come in handy, worse for wear reason The faculty by which new information is derived from old, judgement exercised and argument pursued. Definition and synonyms of it stands to reason (that) from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education..
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The common idiom “it stands to reason” implies the meaning “it stands when challenged by reason”. Many translated example sentences containing "it stands to reason" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. 2021-04-09 Looking for it stands to reason?

phr. it seems logical. phr.
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We understand. As much as we all try to be sunshine and rainbows  it stands to reason that if you're going to wear UNIT brand cycling apparel then you may as well commit yourself right down to the "jocks",3 Pairs Of Comfortable  It stands to reason, then, that it might also put us on a path toward building a mind from scratch." Artikel i Wired · Alex Tilly December 6, 2018. reasonable (fair).., it stands to reason ..; tillfredsställa alla ma anspråk . . all reasonable demands -het 1 [mote, dyrhet] cheapness &c 2 rättvisa (äv. : men) justice  It stands to reason, I suppose, that a pugnacious atheistic tract will divide opinion in just such a way.