The Juridification of Resource Conflicts is a British Academy-funded academic research project which explores the uses of the jural by a range of actors in Central America and Mexico to advance their views about development and natural resource governance in the context of violent conflict over subsoil resources (specifically minerals) and water. 1. Introduction: Juridification as a kind of politics; 2. Critical accounts: The detrimental effects of using law as a political means; 3. The plural nature of organization; 4.
An analytical framework for the analysis of juridification processes is introduced to manage the vast implications of these processes. The discussion indicates complexity and contradictory outcomes of juridification processes. 2021-04-12 While party juridification varies—reflecting parties' ideological differences—in contexts where organizational governance remains unregulated, once intra-organizational governance is subject to statutory constraints, parties emulate legal norms embedded in the state legal system, transcending what is legally required, which has important repercussions for how the law shapes civil society … Processes of juridification are a defining feature of late modern war. But geographic accounts of war have generally not considered the role that law plays in shaping its conduct. 2018-01-15 descriptive terms some see juridification as ‘the proliferation of law’ or as ‘the tendency towards an increase in formal (or positive, written) law’; others as ‘the monopolization of the legal field by legal professionals’, the ‘construction of judicial power’, ‘the expansion of judicial 2019-05-30 2019-09-06 In England mediation became a key part of the civil justice reform agenda after the Woolf Reforms of 1996, as disputants were deflected from litigation towards settlement outside the court system. The Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) give courts the power to ‘encourage’ mediation through judicial case management or use stronger measures by using costs to penalise parties who act unreasonably by Since 1998 all maintained schools, academies and city technology colleges in England and Wales have been required to publish a home–school agreement. This documents the school’s responsibilities and the obligations of parents, and itemises the behaviour expected of pupils.
Men som jag visar i min avhandling, Juridification of Educational Spheres: The case of Swedish School Inspection (Novak, 2018), har juridifieringen på senare år inte bara lett till skydd mot auktoritära strukturer i det privata och offentliga; den har också lett till att individers autonomi och rättigheter har stärkts gentemot välfärdsstatens institutioner. Juridification can be seen as a strategy of compensatory legitimation.
We provide a framework for how the concepts of juridification and standardisation might be understood and analytically differentiated, drawing on theoretical discussions within both socio-legal and social 2010-09-30 Juridification can be seen as a strategy of compensatory legitimation. Drawing on earlier research on governance and juridification, respectively, the dissertation sketches out the general thrust for the examination of the relation between the two and, in particular, just what the theoretical perspective of juridification adds to our understanding of the transformation of education policy and practice. It argues that juridification closes a civil–military relations gap between society on the one hand and the armed forces on the other. As important, juridification also brings with it permanent instability because of the inevitable conflicts that arise from the replacement of an old order based on authority, to a new military system based on rights.
This dissertation argues that the great transformation of education policy and governance that we have witnessed in the last few decades can only be properly understood by taking into account a process of juridification. Juridification and social citizenship in the welfare state / edited by Henriette Sinding Aasen, Siri Gloppen, Anne-Mette Magnussen, Even Nilssen. Aasen, Henriette Sinding, (editor.) Alternativt namn: Sinding Aasen, Henriette Gloppen, Siri, (editor.) Magnussen, Anne-Mette, (editor.) Nilssen, Even, (editor.) ISBN 978-1-78347-022-8 Juridification is a multidimensional phenomenon reflecting such aspects as an imposition of explicit and specific legal regulation in areas previously subject to executive discretion, as well as increased legal framing and conflict resolution with reference to law (Blichner and Molander, Reference Blichner and Molander 2008). Jurisdiction definition, the right, power, or authority to administer justice by hearing and determining controversies. See more. RESEARCH SEMINARS IN SOCIOLOGY OF LAW, SPRING 2018. John Woodlock.
power; authority; control: He has jurisdiction over all American soldiers in the area. the extent or range …
The article starts with the observation of an ambivalence inherent to the politics of juridification.
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It describes how law, without necessarily invading a social field directly, can still reconstitute that field in its image. A year later, in 2006, I commenced my PhD-research on the juridification of workplace accidents in the nineteenth century in Belgium. I successfully completed and defended my thesis in 2010 (= more than one year before the end of my assistantship). From retrospect, this topic of juridification of workplace accidents proved extremely rich.
At the time of the project, three were Labour and one Conservative. JURIDIFICATION. Juridification is often used to designate a quantitative growth of law or. Abstract.
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power; authority; control: He has jurisdiction over all American soldiers in the area. the extent or range … The article starts with the observation of an ambivalence inherent to the politics of juridification.