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1,769 likes · 27 talking about this · 94 were here. Embedding art into everyday life in Pendle 2021-02-16 stay in situ just because ne already does the job of marking the clause as a +wh clause. Finally, there are languages in which both the in-situ and the movement strategy seem to be options which exists side by side. French is said to be a language in which a wh-phrase may remain in-situ. 2021-04-03 Get tickets to IN SITU Game Changer Fair, taking place 04/13/2021 to 04/14/2021. Hopin is your source for engaging events and experiences.
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in situ. in siʹtu (lat., 'på stället'), fackterm inom ett flertal områden. Inom geologin om t.ex. (14 av 97 ord).
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expand_more Não podemos, por isso, contentar nos com ter no local diplomatas incompetentes. Inovadora técnica de medição para a montagem direta dos aparelhos no local de medição: analisadores de gases in-situ medem diretamente no processo sob O módulo de manejo ex situ compreende os empreendimentos que utilizam ou mantém indivíduos da fauna silvestre em cativeiro com inúmeras finalidades, in situ significado, definição in situ: 1. in the original place instead of being moved to another place 2. in the original place instead… Região de transição, mostrando substituição abrupta do epitélio plano normal à E. por carcinoma in situ à D. No epitélio normal as células basais são vistas só in situ |in situ|. (locução latina, de in, em + situ, ablativo singular de situs, -us situação, posição, sítio). advérbio. No próprio local; in loco.
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The Journal has since 2008 been distributed to all Scandinavian institutions , museums and private firms , as well as some others outside Scandinavia, all with archaeology as part of their interests. In situ definition, situated in the original, natural, or existing place or position: The archaeologists were able to date the vase because it was found in situ. See more. in situ definition: 1. in the original place instead of being moved to another place 2.