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Osta osaketta IVISYS AB (IVISYS). Kallelse till årsstämma i IVISYS AB (publ) IVISYS: KURS I RIKTAD BLEV 2:43 KR/AKTIE, TILLFÖRS 27 MLN KR. 2018 Ivisys Sweden AB. ​. ​. Ivisys Sweden AB. Siktgatan 2. SE-162 50 Vällingby.

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Ivisys AB på First North gör en nyemission på 6,5 Mkr. Prospekt och teckningssedel för att investera i aktie. Värdering och villkor. Currency in SEK IVISYS AB (”IVISYS”) meddelar idag att IVISYS styrelse har utsett Stefan Bohman till ny VD för IVISYS. Stefan är för  Vi och våra leverantörer lagrar och/eller får åtkomst till information på en enhet, exempelvis cookies, samt bearbetar personuppgifter, exempelvis unika  Ivisys AB develops and sells machine vision inspection systems that provide solutions for quality inspection, verification, and machine guidance. The products of  Få detaljerad information om Ivisys AB (IVISYS) aktie inklusive kurs, diagram, tekniska analyser, empirisk data, Ivisys AB rapporter och mycket mer. Senaste nytt om IVISYS aktie.

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Atha  IVISYS AB annual and quarterly cash flow statement. View IVISYS operating, investing, and financing activities.

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IVISYS (’IVISYS’) has receives an initial order of 1,7 Msek combined with a LOI worth more than 5,1 MSEK as IVISYS is to deliver four IVISYS AB (‘IVISYS’) offentliggör härmed bokslutskommuniké för 2020 February 12, 2021 IVISYS AB will continuously provide the financial markets, investors and other stakeholders with accurate and objective information as the basis for a fair assessment of the company. Welcome to the IVISYS AB Investor Relations site.

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Samtliga beslut fattades med erforderlig majoritet. Fastställande av räkenskaper samt resultatdisposition. Stämman beslutade att fastställa resultaträkning för 2019 och balansräkning per den 31 december 2019 Ivisys AB (556998-4981).

Description. Ivisys AB develops and sells machine vision inspection systems that provide solutions for quality inspection, verification, and machine guidance. The  Ivisys - Industrial Vision Systems, Hvidovre.

Stefan Bohman is Chief Executive Officer at Ivisys AB. See Stefan Bohman's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. Lars Holmqvist is Former Board Member at Ivisys AB. See Lars Holmqvist's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. 2020-04-20 · IVISYS Pro software suite. Incorporating years of proprietary software development into standard software components, makes the IVISYS Pro software user friendly for the operator and designer, as well as delivering the most sofisticated AI and measurement solution to the inspection.
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Värdering och villkor IVISYS upptar bryggfinansiering om 7 MSEK tor, okt 29, 2020 10:50 CET. Pressmeddelande IVISYS AB 556998-4981 2020-10-29 IVISYS har idag tecknat ett brygglån om totalt 7 miljoner SEK med bolagets storägare, Athanase Industrial Partners, med möjlighet att betalas ut vid tre tillfällen under perioden oktober 2020 till mars 2021, till en månadsränta om 1,8%. Find the latest IVISYS AB (IVISYS.ST) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.