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| Hjarntorget.goteborg - Hjarntorget.goteborg.se traffic statistics Järntorget (English: The Iron Square) is a public square in Gothenburg, Sweden, named after the now-demolished scale which stood on the site, used for weighing iron to be exported from the city's harbour. A hub for public transport (see Gothenburg tram system), it is located west of Haga and is the starting point for the boulevards of Linnégatan to the south and Nya Allén to the east; and Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Hjarntorget.

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Hjärntorget - Pedagogiskt IT-stöd för Göteborgs Stad. Logga in i Hjärntorget. Lyssna Hjärntorget är Göteborgs Stads pedagogiska IT-stöd för förskola, skola, gymnasium och vuxenutbildning. Local Log off.
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Hjärntorget - Göteborgs Stad

| Hjarntorget.goteborg - Hjarntorget.goteborg.se traffic statistics Järntorget (English: The Iron Square) is a public square in Gothenburg, Sweden, named after the now-demolished scale which stood on the site, used for weighing iron to be exported from the city's harbour. A hub for public transport (see Gothenburg tram system), it is located west of Haga and is the starting point for the boulevards of Linnégatan to the south and Nya Allén to the east; and Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Hjarntorget.