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The reasons for EUS-RV were surgi- Double-balloon enteroscopy–ERCP rendezvous technique Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancrea-tography (ERCP) in patients with surgical-ly altered upper gastrointestinal anatomy such as Roux-en-Y anastomosis is chal-lenging [1]. The use of double-balloon endoscopy (DBE) for ERCP in patients with surgically altered anatomy has been The acute angulation of Roux-en-Y (R-Y) limb precludes endoscopic access for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) even using a balloon enteroscopy. Here, we describe a case of successful single balloon enteroscopy (SBE)-assisted ERCP using a rendezvous technique in a patient with sharply angulated R-Y limb in a 79-year-old woman who had bile duct stones. Method. At When ERCP fails to achieve selective cannulation, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided rendezvous procedure may be useful to access the PD for endotherapy. Factors that contribute to a successful rendezvous procedure have been reported. 7,9 Among the various factors, a dilated PD seems to be essential for a successful EUS rendezvous procedure.
A rendezvous procedure, in which a guidewire was placed through the distal CBD and into a biloma by ERCP and subsequently snared with PTC, allowed for a biliary-duodenal catheter to be placed successfully and achieve continuity of the patient's biliary tree. AB - Common bile duct (CBD) injury during surgical procedures is a serious complication. BibTeX @MISC{Id_singleballoon, author = {Article Id and Takao Itoi and Kentaro Ishii and Atsushi Sofuni and Fumihide Itokawa and Toshio Kurihara and Takayoshi Tsuchiya and Shujiro Tsuji and Junko Umeda and Fuminori Moriyasu}, title = {Single Balloon Enteroscopy-Assisted ERCP Using Rendezvous Technique for Sharp Angulation of Roux-en-Y Limb in a Patient with Bile Duct Stones}, year = {}} Rendezvous techniques, either percutaneous or EUS-guied, were required for endoscopic access in the other 9 patients. Complications included moderate pancreatitis with retroperitoneal air after percutaneous rendezvous access in 1 patient, and fever in 1 patient. The ERCP procedures were considered rendezvous intraoperative or rendezvous postoperative, depending on whether the ERCP procedure was carried out during or after completing the cholecystectomy. Results.
Nov. 2018 endoskopischem Eingriff (Rendez-vous-Verfahren von PTC und ERCP) und vor allem ein unzureichender Abfluss von Galle und Kontrastmittel endoskopischen retrograden Cholangiopankreatikographie (ERCP) Gallensteinen den Abgang über den Hauptgallengang (Ductus hepatocholedochus) und den Arbeitskanal eines dickeren ERCP-Gerätes (Mother-Baby-Technik) oder Gallengang (auch im Rendezvous-Verfahren [transpapillär]); Verschluss von Jahren können wir nun auf modernste Technik zurückgreifen und Ihnen somit Endoskopischer retrograder Cholangiopankreatikographie (ERCP) oder als [Deutsch] Ziel: Ueberpruefung von Technik und Durchfuehrbarkeit einer include having to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ( ERCP) or new drainage and retrograde access for subsequent rendezvous techniques.
Gallstenssjukdom Innehållsförteckning
2020-08-10 · Swahn F, Nilsson M, Arnelo U, et al. Rendezvous cannulation technique reduces post-ERCP pancreatitis: a prospective nationwide study of 12,718 ERCP procedures. Am J Gastroenterol. 2013;108:552-9.
Gallstenssjukdom Innehållsförteckning
(year). Arms. Technic al suc cess, n/N.
von von Kunststoff- oder Metallprothesen (Stents), ggfs. auch in Rendezvous-Technik)
16. Dez. 2015 Mit einer ERCP (endoskopisch retrograde Cholangio-Pankreatikografie) werden die Gallengänge, die Gallenblase und die Gänge der
sowie die Kombination aus PTC und Endoskopie im Rendezvous-Verfahren sogenannten "Babyscope" im Mother-Baby-Technik (Gallengangsspiegelung
7 Nov 2013 Endosonography, ERCP, esophageal intubation, European Journal of rendezvous procedure, RUQ abdominal pain, RUQ pain, sedation,
(ERC) sowie der Gallen- und Pankreaswege (ERCP) Diagnostische. Das Einlegen von Drainagen oder Prothesen (im Rendezvous-Verfahren) ist
15. Nov. 2018 endoskopischem Eingriff (Rendez-vous-Verfahren von PTC und ERCP) und vor allem ein unzureichender Abfluss von Galle und Kontrastmittel
endoskopischen retrograden Cholangiopankreatikographie (ERCP) Gallensteinen den Abgang über den Hauptgallengang (Ductus hepatocholedochus) und
den Arbeitskanal eines dickeren ERCP-Gerätes (Mother-Baby-Technik) oder Gallengang (auch im Rendezvous-Verfahren [transpapillär]); Verschluss von
Jahren können wir nun auf modernste Technik zurückgreifen und Ihnen somit Endoskopischer retrograder Cholangiopankreatikographie (ERCP) oder als
[Deutsch] Ziel: Ueberpruefung von Technik und Durchfuehrbarkeit einer include having to perform endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ( ERCP) or new drainage and retrograde access for subsequent rendezvous techniques.
Observation error hatch is offline
Objective: To study the technical method and clinical value of stent implantation through the rendezvous technique of percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTBD) and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in patients with obstructive jaundice. Methods: Thirty-six patients with obstructive jaundice underwent the rendezvous technique of PTBD and ERCP after initially 2006-04-01 Background. Biliary access at ERCP rendezvous is usually achieved by withdrawing a wire passed antegrade via the accessory channel of the duodenoscope, which is then used for over-the-wire cannulation. The wire is time consuming to maneuver and may be damaged during withdrawal.
Factors that contribute to a successful rendezvous procedure have been reported. 7,9 Among the various factors, a dilated PD seems to be essential for a successful EUS rendezvous procedure.
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Gallstenssjukdom Innehållsförteckning
Transjejunal ERCP allows overtaking anatomical barriers like 2020-12-04 Rendezvous should only be attempted after unsuccessful ERCP by an experienced endoscopist with documented high cannulation rates and skill with advanced cannulation techniques. EUS-rendezvous is one of the most technically complex endoscopic procedures and should only be offered by physicians with extensive experience in interventional EUS including more standard techniques such as pseudocyst with conventional ERCP with an incidence ranging from 3-10% for PEP [5]. Comparing conventional ERCP with the Rendezvous technique indicates that the rendezvous technique reduces the risk of PEP [5]. The Transgastric rendezvous technique for ERCP clearance of CBD stones has not been described in the literature elsewhere. ERC-PTC rendezvous techniques are used as a salvage technique after failed ERC or anticipating a complex intervention that might not be resolved by ERC alone.