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The newspapers appear in their original format and original languages. PressReader. pressreader-icon.png. Thousands of local and international newspapers and magazines.

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If you’re located at a Copenhagen Library you have access to PressReader through our website and you start with a PressReader Hotspot, which means that use of the content is free. I PressReader kan du läsa tidningar och tidskrifter i din telefon, surfplatta eller på datorn.Denna film visar gränssnittet i en iPad. Gränssnittet kan varie The Peterborough Examiner ePaper Get Monday to Saturday access to a replica of the printed paper on your computer, tablet, or smartphone with The Peterborough Examiner ePaper. ‎Digital newsstand featuring 7000+ of the world’s most popular newspapers & magazines.

Existing subscribers of the Guardian Weekly newspaper can access the digital version for free, simply create your account. PressReader delivers an endless stream of top news stories right to your pocket.

PressReader: Newspapers & Magazines – Appar på Google

Your reading history is saved when you login, making it easy to continue conversations from any device. PressReader is available on iOS, Android, Amazon for Android, Windows 8 and Blackberry 10, as well as on the Web at www.pressreader.com. PressReader is a digital newspaper distribution and technology company with headquarters in Vancouver, Canada and offices in Dublin, Ireland and Manila, Philippines.


Pressreader - Åmåls kommun


PressReader gives you same day access to newspapers and  PressReader provides unlimited access to 6,000+ newspapers and magazines from around the world. Download the PressReader App on your tablet or  PressReader delivers an endless stream of top news stories to read, discuss and share. Get full issues of thousands of top newspapers before they appear in  With over 6,000 publications from over 100 countries in 60+ languages, PressReader is the leading digital newspaper and magazine provider for premium content.


Så använder du Pressreader hemifrån: Logga in på bibliotekets webbplats med numret på ditt bibliotekskort eller ditt personnummer och pinkod.
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Existing subscribers of the Guardian Weekly newspaper can access the digital version for free, simply create your account. PressReader delivers an endless stream of top news stories right to your pocket. PressReader Inc. 200 – 13111 Vanier Place Richmond, BC V6V 2J1 Canada. PressReader International Limited 2nd Floor The Boat House Bishop Street, Dublin 8 D08 H01F Ireland The Daily Mail E-Reader is a replica of our traditional printed publication with all the stories, photos, and artwork intact. You can read your favourite newspaper and our magazines anytime and anywhere.

Set automatic downloads to never miss a beat Via den digitala tjänsten Pressreader får du tillgång till bland annat: Tusentals lokala, nationella och internationella tidningar. Vissa svenska dagstidningar, till exempel Svenska Dagbladet, Göteborgsposten och Aftonbladet.
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Vast selection of top stories in full-content format available for free. What to read on PressReader in March.