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Mar 9, 2020 Children from the IDEFICS study were included in the analyses. Two measurements, with 2 years' interval, were conducted. A total of 1688  Apr 4, 2019 The present study is based on the IDEFICS study, a European multicenter cohort study in children (2–9 years old) from eight countries,  Feb 22, 2016 Background Starting from birth, this explorative study aimed to investigate Italy, Spain, Sweden) participating in the multi-centre IDEFICS study. The IDEFICS Study: prospective associations between dietary patterns and an inflammation marker in European children. Download To print. High sensitivity  Dec 14, 2017 Specifically, the HDAS aimed to capture adherence to healthy dietary guidelines common for all eight countries participating in the IDEFICS study  Data was available for 16225 children from the IDEFICS baseline survey (2007/ 2008). Attrition was defined as nonparticipation in the first follow-up examination   Apr 1, 2012 Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate, in blood samples of a subsample of normal-weight and overweight children from the IDEFICS  The focus of the IDEFICS Study lied in exploring the risks for overweight and obesity in children as well as associated long-term consequences.

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Assess, Test, Progress. The International  Intercultural competence has been identified as a critical capability in a number of studies focusing on overseas effectiveness of international sojourners,  The IDEFICS study (Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants) investigated the aetiology of diet- and  Den omfattande europeiska IDEFICS-studien, som genomfördes i Partille, with childhood adversities: results from the IDEFICS study”. av S Regber · 2014 · Citerat av 7 — Barriers and Facilitators of Health Promotion and Obesity Prevention in Early Childhood: A Focus on Parents Results from the IDEFICS Study  Sammanfattning: Introduction: One of the major research dimensions of the Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In  Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Sweden who were participating in the IDEFICS baseline study (2007-2008). Analyses were performed in  IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants) study, standardised survey procedures including  with socioeconomic status in European children: the IDEFICS study in the IDEFICS study and assessed the association of dietary patterns with an additive  Barriers and Facilitators of Health Promotion and Obesity Prevention in Early Childhood : A Focus on Parents, Results from the IDEFICS Study. Diss. Department  LIBRIS titelinformation: [IDEFICS study - samling av trycksaker] TV Advertising Study (kapitel 5). En samhällsintervention i Partille kommun i Västra Götalandsregionen, IDEFICS, har varit central inom forskningspro- grammet  dietary guidelines in European children: prospective findings from the IDEFICS study counts of mutans streptococci in children - the IDEFICS Sweden study.

Study design & data collection. Timeline of the major study components (T0 = baseline survey; T1 = full follow-up; T2 = mail survey) A cohort of 16 224 children aged 2–9 years from eight European countries (Sweden, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Cyprus, Spain, Belgium and One of the primary objectives of the IDEFICS study was to develop, implement and evaluate a setting-based community-oriented intervention programme in 2- to 9.9-year-old children in eight European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Sweden). The baseline survey (T0)(see page “Study design & data collection”) took BACKGROUND: During the preparatory phase of the baseline survey of the IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants) study, standardised survey procedures including instruments, examinations, methods, biological sampling and software tools were developed and pretested for their feasibility, robustness and acceptability.

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Paper I: In focus group discussions (20 focus groups with children and 36 with parents), Methods. IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants) is a community intervention study aiming to prevent obesity (Reference Ahrens, Bammann and de Henauw 17, Reference Bammann, Peplies and Sjöström 18). IDEFICS is an European multicenter cohort study with survey centers in Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Sweden aiming to describe the etiology of overweight, obesity Study design.

Idefics study

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Idefics study

Bergman, P., Eiben, G., Mårild, S. (2010). Physical activity  BMC Health Services Research.

Idefics study

The IDEFICS cohort: design, characteristics and participation in the baseline survey.
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This investigated the causes of of diet- and lifestyle-related diseases and disorders with a strong focus on overweight and obesity. Before the implementation of the IDEFICS intervention, and having considered international recommendations, IDEFICS took a thorough look at these the adherence of children to key behaviours related to childhood obesity measured at the baseline survey (T 0, see page “Study design”), such as drinking water and sweetened drink, consumption of fruit and vegetables, daily TV time, physical activity, family time and adequate sleep duration, and compared them with measurements carried on after BACKGROUND: During the preparatory phase of the baseline survey of the IDEFICS (Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants) study, standardised survey procedures including instruments, examinations, methods, biological sampling and software tools were developed and pretested for their feasibility, robustness and acceptability. A cohort of 16 224 children aged 2–9 years from eight European countries (Sweden, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Cyprus, Spain, Belgium and Estonia) participated at the first population-based survey of the IDEFICS study.

Jul 10, 2018 The two-year longitudinal IDEFICS study included 2401 European children (aged 2.0–9.9) with complete information of the 16,229 participating  Mar 17, 2014 The IDEFICS study is a European cohort study that investigated the causes of diet- and lifestyle-related diseases and disorders in children and  Aug 15, 2014 Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Sweden who were participating in the IDEFICS baseline study (2007-2008). Analyses were performed in  Feb 10, 2014 Barriers and Facilitators of Health Promotion and Obesity Prevention in Early Childhood: A Focus on Parents Results from the IDEFICS Study  Das Akronym IDEFICS steht dabei für "Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects In Children and infantS” (dt.: Identifikation und  The pinnacle of scientific evidence is the Level I study.

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Family cohort. Abstract Observational and interventional studies. Glucocorticoid administration: Studies on weight regulation and metabolic  sexåriga barn.29 IDEFICS-studien är en omfattande europeisk studie som har undersökt lifestyle intervention targets in the IDEFICS study”. I International  Dietmönster och longitudinell förändring i kroppsmassa hos europeiska barn: En uppföljning av IDEFICS multicenter kohort. from the IDEFICS study. International journal of obesity.